Friday, December 02, 2011

In Everything Give Thanks

In Everything Give Thanks

Today was one of those amazing days of being whacked yet again on the side of the head. I am sure you have it all together so this kind of stuff doesn’t impact you.

I find myself at 57 complaining about my back hurting more, my leg cramps at night being a nuisance – can’t do what I could at even 40!

Well today my friend Sue Thomas came to share her story with our Hymnsing guests. If you’ve never heard of her, she is the one who PAX did the television story about: Sue Thomas FB EYE.

Sue has been profoundly deaf since she was 18 months old. She has lived in a world of silence for 60+ years, and is now doing battle with macular degeneration and MS. If anyone had the reason to complain – it would be Sue.

BUT every time I hear her story I am amazed at how she gives God the glory for her trials and suffering. She readily admits that while “the outward man is perishing, her inner man is being renewed day by day!”
Today when she finished sharing her testimony, she ended the way she has done every time she has an opportunity to share – she sang SILENT NIGHT. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. I found myself not being able to sing because I was so emotionally moved by her joy in the midst of her trials. (I will let you know when the video link is on our website.)

Lord, forgive me for whining and complaining for my little aches and pains and discomforts. I can hear. I can see. I can walk. Forgive me for my ungrateful spirit. Bless my friend, Sue, with contagious joy! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: 1 Corinthians 12-14; Psalm 122; Proverbs 2

Compass Pointers: True patience grows with the growth of love. We put up with our neighbors to the extent that we love them. If you love, you are patient. If you cease loving, you will cease being patient. The less we love, the less patience we show. Gregory the Great

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 16:33; Level 2: John 16:5-15

Anchored to the Rock: A day hemmed in prayer seldom unravels.

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