Wednesday, November 09, 2011

A Tongue That Lies

A Tongue That Lies

Here are six things that God hates, and one more that he loathes with a passion: eyes that are arrogant, a tongue that lies, hands that murder the innocent, a heart that hatches evil plots, feet that race down a wicked track, a mouth that lies under oath, a troublemaker in the family. – Proverb s 6:16-19 (The Message)

I am not real proud of this story, but illustrates the danger of a lying tongue. Our family was traveling with Jan’s sister and her family to Florida. We were looking for a cheap motel and came upon one that said “kids stay free!” We had four and Jan’s sister had 2!

We registered and the clerk asked how many kids we had under the age of 12. I am embarrassed to tell you that I said four. We checked in and were getting ready for dinner. I was having my quiet time and the Holy Spirit tapped me on the shoulder and said, “You lied!” Yikes.

I went to the desk and asked to see the clerk. I told her that I was embarrassed to tell her that I had not been truthful about the age of our kids and that I wanted to make it right by paying the right amount.

She never missed a beat and said, “We know. We watched your kids on the video camera all get out of the car and go to the room. It happens all the time.” I asked for her forgiveness and said, “Please let me make it right.”

Her response stunned me. “Sir, you just did. You told the truth and you can now put your head on the pillow because you told the truth. Your kids can stay free.”

When was the last time you told a lie? Maybe in your mind it was a “white lie?” Exaggeration of the facts? Did you ever sing a lie? Think about words that you have sung that were really lies?

God has hated lies ever since the Garden of Eden. His position has never changed. Proverbs says much about our words. A lie is the opposite of the truth. Freedom Fighter men are men who can be trusted because they tell the truth. Someone once said, The man who tells the truth is always at ease!”

Let’s purpose to be men who always tell the truth! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Matthew 26Mark 14Psalm 119:9-16Proverbs 9

Compass Pointers: Every parcel of truth is precious as filings of gold; we must either live with it or die with it.

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 15:10; Level 2: John 15:1-7

Anchored to the Rock: Prayer is striking the winning blow … service is gathering up the results. S. D. Gordon

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