Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Don't Look at Me Like That

Don’t Look at Me Like That

Here are six things God hates, and one more that he loathes with a passion: eyes that are arrogant, a tongue that lies, hands that murder the innocent, a heart that hatches evil plots, feet that race down a wicked track, a mouth that lies under oath, and troublemaker in the family. Proverbs 6:16-19 (The Message) (Link to ESV)

Maybe I am more in tune with my eyes because I have had to have several laser surgeries. I was hoping that my issues was because of some daring stunt I did, or because I was overdoing my exercise program (not!).
No, the eye specialist burst my bubble by stating that the problem was that I am getting old and old eyes can have the issues I was experiencing. I knew that I hated that AARP card!

Proverbs is a book that has fascinated me for years. The more I read it, the more I see (no pun intended) how it weaves back and forth connecting many themes. Solomon records several insights about the eyes, but in Proverbs 6:17 tells us that GOD hates eyes that are arrogant.

Some translate the word “haughty” or “proud. You have probably heard someone say to you, and probably a Mom or Dad, “Don’t look at me like that!” I remember saying that to my kids. Are eyes are a dead give-away of what is going on in our hearts and minds.

Commentator Bruce Waltke says that these eyes “manifest a denial of the Lord’s authority and a disregard for human rights. Arrogance means self-exaltation over another person and violates the fundamentally equal honor of each individual.

We communicate much with our eyes (our look). If we are not careful we can “look down our noses” at people which shows that we are struggling with a bad case of pride!

The bottom line is that God hates that “look.” If you are struggling with eyes that are arrogant, start today by confessing it to the Lord and then with His help, ask Him to change that look in your eye so that people will see a reflection of Jesus in your eyes. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Matthew 25; Psalm 119:1-8; Proverbs 8

Compass Pointers: Your circumstances may not be what you envisioned, but they are no obstacle for God. Paul learned that God was fully capable to reveal Himself, not only in the expected places, but in that which was unexpected as well. Paul wrote, But thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place (2 Cor 2:14). As you exercise your faith, as you rest, trusting in Him, do what Christ would do in your circumstances. Unbelief will flee as you become Christlike in the crisis. God will turn your setback into a setup that releases destiny. Francis Frangipane

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 15:10; Level 2: John 15:1-7

Anchored to the Rock: Prayer may not get us what we want, but it will teach us to want what we need. Vance Havner

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