Tuesday, November 01, 2011

The Holy Spirit and the Power of Sin Part 2

The Holy Spirit vs. The Power of Sin (Part 2)

On Friday I shared a chart with you from the late Bill Gillham’s book, What God Wishes Christians Knew About Christianity – It Might Surprise You (Harvest House). Here is part 2 of the chart:
It doesn’t really need explanation – it is pretty clear. As we come to understand that we have been crucified with Christ (Galatians 2:20), we need a fresh perspective on what the power of the Holy Spirit vs. the power of sin.

Take some time to review the chart. Good truth for us to understand.

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Matthew 20-21; Psalm 112; Proverbs 1

Compass Pointers: “Is not such a soul most obedient to God in all things by this faith?  What commandment is there that such obedience has not completely fulfilled? What more complete fulfillment is there than obedience in all things?  This obedience, however, is not rendered by works, but by faith alone.  On the other hand, what greater rebellion against God, what greater wickedness, what greater contempt for God is there than not believing His promise?  For what is this but to make God a liar or to doubt that he is truthful? –that is to ascribe truthfulness to one’s self but lying and vanity to God?
Martin Luther, On Christian Liberty

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 14:27; Level 2: John 14:27-31

Anchored to the Rock: Prayer is an offering up of our desires unto God, for things agreeable to His will, in the name of Christ, with confession of our sins, and thankful acknowledgement of His mercies. – Westminster Shorter Catechism

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