Monday, October 31, 2011

The Wet Feet of Faith

“As soon as the soles of the feet of the priests whom bear the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, that the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off.”  (Joshua 3:13)

            Lessons in faith are found throughout the scriptures.  Many of them are seen in God’s dealing with His people Israel in bringing them out from bondage in Egypt through the application of blood and the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea.  Following the wilderness training and purging of the nation, additional lessons are given in the crossing of the flooded Jordan River.

            These two crossings illustrate two major aspects of the Christian life.  The Red Sea crossing is symbolic of the passing from death to life on the basis of the redeeming work of the Lord.  This became a reference point, a new beginning for the nation.  It was reported among the surrounding nations and brought fear to them.  The Jordan crossing has been mistakenly associated with physical death and incorporated into songs and poems which describe a believer’s crossing over into heaven.  More accurately, this event illustrates the passing of a believer from the defeated life of the wilderness into the realization of blessing in the will of God.  Canaan was not to be heaven, there were battles to be fought and territory to be claimed.  On the other hand, it represents life in the heavenly life of victory for those who trust and obey.

            Apparently there were no wet feet in the Red Sea crossing.  Redemption is purely a work of God.  Faith had been exercised in the application of the blood of the lamb and testified to at the sea.  However, at the Jordan the feet of the priests were to touch the water before the waters were cut off.  As representatives of the people, they bore the ark of the covenant over which the presence of God resided in the tabernacle.  While bearing the symbol of God’s covenant they exercised obedient faith as they approached the river.

            Viewing the turbulent waters of the flooded river, the priests would probably hesitate, waiting for the waters to be cut off.  As they carefully moved forward, they possibly wondered whether they dared to risk putting their feet in the water.  Inch by inch they proceeded in obedience to the Lord, but it was not until they took the step of faith and allowed their feet to touch the water that the waters were cut off.

            God’s promises can only be realized when we move by faith toward the apparent obstacle and allow our feet to touch the water.  We must not stop short of full dependence on Him. Pastor William A. Raws served at America’s Keswick for over 50 years. His grandfather, William Raws founded the Colony of Mercy in 1897

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Matthew 19; Mark 10; Psalm 111; Proverbs 31

Compass Pointers: It is amazing how many people let life happen to them rather than asking God for wisdom in their decisions. He promises to give you wisdom and knowledge for everything you do. When you make a decision knowing that it is based on the wisdom of God, joy and peace cannot help but follow. Don Clowers

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 15:10; Level 2: John 15:1-7

Anchored to the Rock: Prayer is the key to heaven’s treasures. John Gerhard

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