Monday, September 26, 2011



Beloved do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. Romans 12:19

I am continually amazed at how many well-meaning “Christians” are angry, bitter, spiteful. I am amazed at how many times in the past years I have watched men and women who are a mission to get back at someone who has wronged or hurt them, totally ignoring the rest of the Word of God that talks about forgiveness and humility.

I can understand it in the “world” – but brothers, in the body of Christ – this just not ought to be!
Dr. Henry Blackaby addresses this subject in his daily devotional, Experiencing God – The Devotional:

One of the hardest areas in which to trust God is in the matter of justice. When we perceive an injustice, we want to see the guilty party punished. We want justice to prevail, especially if we are the victim. We become impatient if we are not avenged quickly. Yet God warns us that vengeance is not OUR prerogative. We are to do justice, but we are not to seek vengeance (Micah 6:8).
When someone offends us, our responsibility it to respond to the offense with FORGIVENESS (Matthew 5:44). God takes the responsibility to see that justice is done. God loves people too much to all sin to go unchecked.

Peter claimed that God is not slow about HIS promises to us, but He is patient and looooooooonnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggg suffering before He brings about judgment
(2 Peter 3:9). Yet ultimately God has prepared for absolute justice.

There will be no sin committed that He will leave unpunished. Either the punishment will fall on His Son or it will be charged against the sinner, but everyone will ultimately give an account for everything they have done (2 Corinthians 5:10).

God is absolutely just, and only HE can ensure that justice is fully carried out. If we are impatient and seek revenge, we presume that we are wiser than God, and we reveal a blatant lack of trust that God will do the right thing.

Only by trusting God’s sovereign wisdom will we be free from our anger and preoccupation toward those who have committed evil. If we refuse to trust God’s justice, we become enslaved to bitterness and anger. We must guard our hearts and trust God to exercise His judgment against those who oppose Him. (You can order a copy of Blackaby’s devotional by calling (800-453-7942 ext. 21)

Is there someone in your life who you are seeking in your heart to get back out for a wrong committed? Maybe you have a laundry list of offenses. My guess is you aren’t a happy camper. My guess is that you probably have noticed that you beginning to show signs of bitterness and resentment in your life.
There’s not time like today to confess that to the Lord. Give Him your list. Humbly submit to Him and allow HIM to handle these difficult situations in your life. And guess what – YOU WILL BE FREE! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Luke 22:39-52; Psalm 80; Proverbs 26

Compass Pointers: It is possible for a man to analyze the Bible and lose it in the process, to prepare a synthesis of the Bible and lose his soul at the work; to make himself perfectly familiar with the letter, and to find out that the letter kills because he has lost touch with the spirit. G. Campbell Morgan

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 12:24-25; Level 2: John 12:24-27

Anchored to the Rock: The worth of prayer is not gauged by its dimensions. Robert Murray M’Cheyne

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