Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lead By Example

Lead By Example

On Sunday morning at church, one of the elders made a comment before we read the responsive reading that hit a nerve with me. Because of my position at America’s Keswick I am on the platform often, and I have often, too often made a statement that I wished I had not said.

The brother who made the statement wasn’t at all being malicious with his statement. I understood where he was coming from – but I was glad that our Associate Pastor took the time to clarify the statement and make an appropriate application.

Now that I have your attention (we men love a juicy morsel just as much as the women), the statement made was in regard to Christian conduct. The elder was expressing his concern about the poor conduct of so many of today’s teens.

His statement is true – as parents and grandparents we should be concerned. But what Pastor Jason said was very true and needed to be said. We as “adults” have not always been the best role models in front of our teens.

Children learn best from what they observe. If you haven’t figured at that by now – if you have grandchildren, especially toddlers – all you have to do is LISTEN long enough and you will find out what is going on at home! J  Art Linkletter said it best: “Kid’s say the darndest things” and much of what they repeat and do is a result of what they see happen at home.

Paul instructed his son in the faith, Titus, to lead my example. Let me give you a couple of snapshots:
“OLDER men are to be temperate, dignified, sensible, sound in faith, in love, in perseverance.”(Titus 2:2) NASB

“ … urge the you young men to be sensible; in all things show yourself to be a good example of good deeds with purity in doctrine, dignified, sound in speech which is BEYOND REPROACH, in order that the opponent may be put to shame, having NOTHING bad to say about us.” (Titus 2:6-8) NASB

Some of the recollections I have of “spiritual” leaders in my church experience are of men who could teach the Word with great skill, and yet at a congregational meeting act like a spoiled child because they didn’t get their own way.

My greatest hero was the man God allowed me to work under for three years as a high-schooler, and then years later, I worked under him for seven years. He was by no means perfect (well, I still think he walks on water) but he modeled for me the passages above. I sat in numerous situations and observed a man who loved God model for me how I need to act as a leader, as a husband, as a father, as a man of God.

My model was my life-long friend and mentor, Neil Fichthorn. I will be eternally grateful that God put him in my life. As I approach the big 60, I am more and more mindful that people are watching me. I have the opportunity to mentor and train younger men to become leaders for the next generation.
YOU have the privilege too – you can lead my example. If more of us take up that mantle, just maybe we can see a new generation of young men who will catch the vision of what God wants them to be or how they can live life with integrity.

This went longer than I wanted to be – but I felt it was important to share it with you. Who has God placed in YOUR life to lead? Think about it! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Matthew 3; Psalm 81; Proverbs 27

Compass Pointers: Our problems may stay, our circumstances may remain, but we know God is in control. We are focused on His adequacy, not our inadequacy.
Charles Stanley

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 12:24-25; Level 2: John 12:24-27

Anchored to the Rock: Some people’s prayers need to be cut off at both ends and set on fire in the middle. D. L. Moody

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