Monday, July 11, 2011

Openness with God

Openness With God

“And there is NO creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” – Hebrews 4:13

Good morning, brothers. I want to share with you a truth that if WE (you and me) were to grasp this, it would impact how we live our lives.

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“I must never forget that God’s knowledge of me is COMPLETE! “Thou … art … acquainted with all my ways” (Psalm 139:3). This means that God knows my subconscious as well as my conscious life. He knew me in the womb (vv. 15-16), which means He knew my genes, my hereditary traits, and all the unborn capabilities for good and evil. In the hands of an evil being, such knowledge would easily be my undoing. But in the hands of a God of infinite love, such knowledge is my safety and salvation.

God will accept me as I am, warts and all, provided I do not try to pretend. Pretension is the mark of social custom, the device whereby human beings are able to tolerate one another. To be barely, rigidly open with each other would be to turn the human race into a vast asylum.

But God, who knows us completely, never uses that knowledge to take advantage of us. Nevertheless, God expects me to be as honest with Him as I am capable of being. This means I must be honest with myself. If I am self-deceived, I can never be open and honest with God.

Despite God’s complete knowledge of me, He can do nothing for me until I release my will to Him. “Try me and know … my thoughts”(Psalm 139:23) is a plea. Once released to help, God will use His complete knowledge of me to guide me in “the everlasting way” (v. 24). This means controlling my subconscious, where areas exist of which I know nothing, and using it for profit instead of for loss.
When Jesus said to Simon, “Thou art Simon … thou shalt be … Cephas” (John 1:42), He was beginning to change a man from a mass of raw instincts into a refined copy of Himself. Jesus knew what He had to start with. He knows it with me. But He also knows the end to which He intends to bring me, polished and glorified. – from Daily with The King (Moody Press)

This is one of those necessary truths that if I can burn it in the hard drive of my mind, will help me to lead a life of integrity. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Isaiah 31-34; Psalm 10; Proverbs 11

Compass Pointers: There is a battle going on for the minds of people. We do need to be alert to the devil's schemes and subtle teachings that masquerade as truth in our society. But the way to resist such mental error is not with emotional diatribes. Instead there needs to be a clear understanding of the Bible's teaching about demonic error, accompanied by a committed submission to the commands of scripture. Gary R. Collins

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Proverbs 28:9; Level 2: Proverbs 28:6-10

Anchored to the Rock: “What the church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Spirit can use – men of prayer, men mighty in power.” E. M. Bounds

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