Sunday, May 22, 2011

When He Shall Come

When He Shall Come

I will come back and take you to be with Me. John 14:3

Well if you are reading this May 22nd post of Freedom Fighter, you were either left behind, or Harold Camping once again miscalculated the return of Jesus Christ! My guess is that we are all still here.

My parents grew up in an age when going to the movies for a Christian was a huge no-no. As a teen I could never figure out what the big deal was back then, especially when they were showing good movies in those days. When I asked them why we didn’t go to the movies the response was always, “Pastor Schmeiser doesn’t go to the movies, so we don’t go.” Great answer?

Well when Jan and I were married we lived down the street from a large theater in Olney. It was a theater with a really wide screen. The Sound of Music had just been released and we went to see it on the big screen. WOW! It was awesome.

We finally convinced Dad and Mom to go with us. They did but fretted the whole time that the Rapture was going to occur and they would be caught in the movie theater!

When you read through the New Testament, you do see get the sense that Paul is urging us to be always ready for the return of Christ. From his writings, Paul really believed that the return of the Lord would be taking place in His lifetime. It didn’t happen then – and we are not really sure when it will take place. We know it will because the Bible tells us it will.

So how do we live until then? We need to be watching, waiting, and serving until that day. I love Paul’s words to his son in the faith, Titus – “looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus …” (Titus 2:13)

Many years ago, Almeda Pearce, the mother of trombonist, Bill Pearce, penned a beautiful hymn, When He Shall Come
When He shall come, resplendent in His glory,
To take His own from out this vale of night,
O, may I know the joy of His appearing,
Only at morn to walk with Him in white!
When I shall stand within the court of heaven,
Where white-robed pilgrims pass before my sight --
Earth’s martyred saints and blood-washed overcomers --
These then are they who walk with Him in white.
When He shall call, from earth’s remotest corners,
All who have stood triumphant in His might,
O, to be worthy then to stand beside them,
And in that morn to walk with Him in white!
Keep looking up, brothers. We need to be ready and waiting for His return. What a glorious day that will be! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: 1 Kings 8; Psalm 119:97-104; Proverbs 22

Compass Pointers: No sin is small. It is against an infinite God, and may have consequences ummeasurable. No grain of sand is small in the mechanism of a watch.
Jeremy Taylor

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 3:16 Level 2 -John 3:13-21

Anchored to the Rock: The secret of reaching men is to know the secret of reaching God. John Blanchard

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