Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Evaluating in Light of Eternity


“Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.” (Psalm 73:23)

            In Psalm 73 we find a history of the Israelites – a record of God’s goodness.  In verses 1 and 2, we see Asaph acknowledges that God is and that God is good.  This will help him as he looks around.  What does he see?  In verse 3 he wonders why the ungodly are prospering and he is envious.  In verses 6 to 9, he is upset because of their pride and how they don’t give God credit.  He is even envious of their popularity (in verse 10) and dares to ask where is God (verse 11).

            And all this looking around gets him nowhere.  Rather, it causes him to look within and all he finds is turmoil and unrest (verse 13).  Will he abandon his faith?  Will he run with the crowd?  Will he hold out or just quit and say this walk with God is not worth it?

            Look at verse 16.  Theology can never substitute for a personal relationship with the Lord.  You see, your outlook determines your outcome.   Wrong evaluations lead to wrong decisions and wrong thinking leads to wrong living.  What’s needed is sharpened vision (knowing God will take care of the godless) and the sharpened insight into the destiny of the unbeliever.  

            Asaph encourages by looking ahead in verses 23 to 28.  Because he worshipped he was able to evaluate time in the light of eternity.  And as he worshipped he saw his present being taken care of – being continually kept by God (v. 23).  He saw his past and could say, “He has held me with His right hand.”  He was able to evaluate earth in the light of heaven.  Does this not tell you that if you spend time with God and if your worship is right then your evaluations will be right?  Remember God doesn’t owe us explanations.  Just trust that His Word is true and when you look at the godless you’ll thank God again for His assurance, as His child, of Heaven with Him for all eternity.  There will be no need for envy! Rev. John Hibbard serves on the Board of America’s Keswick, teaches each Sunday morning at the Colony Chapel, and is the Chaplain for the Lakewood Blue Claws

GPS – God’s Positioning System: 1 Samuel 18-20; Psalm 95; Proverbs 13

Compass Pointers: Gethsemane is simply that hour when you finally align your will with the will of God. It is when you agree, accept, embrace...your crucifixion. Any human daring to follow a divine path will come upon a Gethsemane. Each will tarry there until he realigns his will with divinity, or he will completely miss the divine way of things. Acquiescence to destruction. That is Gethsemane. Gene Edwards

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Proverbs 15:1; Level 2: Proverbs 15:29-31

Anchored to the Rock: If we are not right, our prayers cannot be. James Philip

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