Monday, March 21, 2011

Systematic Navigation: Clarity

Systematic Navigation: Clarity  

“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”  Deut 6:6-7 (ESV) 

At the end of chapter 6 in the book titled “Systematic Theology” (Wayne Grudem) there are some questions that are asked for personal application. The one question that just sticks out the most among the 7 asked is the first one. “If the doctrine of the clarity of Scripture is true, why does there seem to be so much disagreement among Christians about the teaching of the Bible? Observing the diversity of interpretations of Scripture, some conclude, “People can make the Bible say anything they want.” How do you think Jesus would respond to this statement?”  

I have to admit that there are some parts of Scripture that don’t really pop out at the moment I read them. Like when early in my walk, I was told that I could open the Bible at any moment and find what I needed for the day’s struggle. Well, what am I supposed to think if I open up to the Book of Leviticus 12:8? If you look there it will be clear to you that this part of Scripture has to do with what is necessary for the purification of women after childbirth during the time that the nation of Israel wandered in the wilderness. So if I am having a bad day, and it compares to childbirth, and I don’t have a lamb, I need to bring two turtledoves or pigeons to the priest for atonement? I wouldn’t have understood it then. I’m thinking that I just don’t physically go through child birth…sorry ladies. 

As our family took a look at John 15 recently, my wife and I made the statement on how important it was to bear fruit if we claim to be in Christ. Our son agreed but our daughter took it to different level. She wanted us to understand why she thinks it is important for her to allow God to not only cut out bad branches to bear good fruit but how she thinks it is necessary it be allowed for her to branch out. For good fruit to grow it needs room and therefore needs a couple of branches to do that. Now I clearly see the need to be pruned by the Father if I am not bearing good fruit but Karen saw the need for pruning for the bearing an abundance of good fruit. Same verse’s read by us but spoken to the two of us differently. As her earthly father should I disagree with her? I do not think I should and I haven’t. I believe that God’s Word needs to be spoken to us in the way God intends.  

What is clear to me is that we need to approach God’s Word PRAYERFULLY! This will most certainly give the doctrine of clarity an anchor. If you need God’s Word to speak to you when you go to it, then you need to speak to Him first. A simple “Lord may your word speak to my heart today” before you open the Book can go a long way. In my reading of the Bible I have found that the same written verse read one day for application has come up for a different application another. God’s Word cannot be fenced in so that it can only be applied the way we want or need it to. So maybe that passage from Leviticus really should be seen as my need to make some kind of sacrifice if I have given birth to something that is not good for my walk.  

We have to admit, that no matter what, Bible reading Christians will always dialogue differently on the interpretation of Scripture. Even after Paul spoke out against this in his first letter to the Corinthian Church we still have those who say, I am of Calvin, I am of Luther or I am of the Daystar Channel. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus repeats to listeners, “You have heard it said…But I say to you” numerous times. This tells me that if I have the heart of the “Rabboni” Himself, then His response to the reading of His Father’s Word will make my reading as clear as “blue mud”. I hope you are prayerfully finding clarity in your navigation of God’s Word in your life today Brother’s (and sister’s). -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a regular Freedom Fighter contributor

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Deuteronomy 30-31; Psalm 74; Proverbs 21

Compass Pointers: “Jesus knew that telling stories would be a profound way of connecting with an audience, illuminating truth, and building relationships. And so He told stories…parables. Even the religious leaders were spellbound by the simple power of Jesus’ approach. Others reported that Jesus “taught them as one having authority” (Mark 1:22). For some, the paradox of “simple” stories and “authoritative” command was irreconcilable. But Jesus did exactly that.” What’s in the Bible  R.C. Sproul & Robert Wolgemuth

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Proverbs 12:25; Level 2: Proverbs 12:17-22

Anchored to the Rock: A holy mouth is made by praying. E. M. Bounds

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