Sunday, March 27, 2011

Psalm 145 -- A Paraphrase

Psalm 145 – A Paraphrase
Here is a great paraphrase of Psalm 145 from Leslie Brandt’s book, Psalms Now, which I hope will prepare your heart for worship:

God is here – let’s celebrate!
Let us enlist our lives in perpetual celebration
   over God’s goodness and greatness.
Let us announce to the world God’s presence and
   proclaim His loving concern for all men.

How compassionate He is over all He has created,
   how tender toward His failure-fraught creatures!
He will not cop out on His promises to us,
His blessings are not reserved only for those
   who fit obediently in His design for them.
He is just – He is forgiving!
He gently picks up those who have fallen
   and restores them to sonship and servanthood.
He sustains those who are wavering in weakness
   and grants them His grace and strength.
He reaches into the void of empty lives,
   and enriches and fulfills their hungry hearts.
He is near enough to hear our every cry,
   to sense our every need,
   to grant us whatever is necessary,
   to make us happy and productive
   as we seek to follow and to serve Him.
How incomparably glorious is our great God!
May our mouths articulate and our lives demonstrate
   His ever-present love for all His creatures!
Let us celebrate the eternal mercy and goodness of our God.

Today is all about HIM! Celebrate Him – He is here! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick
GPS – God’s Positioning System: Joshua 16-18; Psalm 79; Proverbs 27

Compass Pointers: Late have I loved you, O Beauty so ancient and so new; late have I loved you! You were within me, and I was outside; and I sought you outside and in my loneliness fell upon those lovely things that you have made. You were with me, but I was not with you.... You called me and cried to me and broke open my deafness; you sent forth your beams and shone upon me and chased away my blindness; you breathed your fragrance upon me, and I drew in my breath and now I pant for you; I tasted you, and now I hunger and thirst for you; you touched me, and I burn for your peace. Augustine

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Proverbs 13:14; Level 2: Proverbs 13:20-25

Anchored to the Rock: No can pray well but that he lives well. Thomas Fuller

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