Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wicked Fleas

Wicked Fleas

Proverbs 28:1 The wicked flee when no one pursues, But the righteous are bold as a lion.

I first became attracted to this verse as a boy through a twist of its actual meaning.  I would tell my friends about these horrible wicked fleas the Bible talked about.  They actually pursued people!  (In case you don’t know me, I do have a strange sense of humor, right Bill?)

Interestingly, this verse has become to me one of great spiritual insight.  I have found it to be true in so many situations that it becomes a bit fearful.  God’s truth does apply to all ages and all times and even all situations.  I have found in counseling that so many times the root of the problem lies here.

The verse teaches us that the reason the wicked flee is because they always think someone is doing the thing they themselves are doing. While they are lying in wait to attack someone, they suddenly think, “But what if someone is lying in wait for me?” and so they flee when in reality no one is there. In other words, they are lying, so they assume that others are lying.  They cheat on their spouse so they accuse their spouse of cheating on them.  They cheat the government so they think others are cheating them.  They accuse others of judging, being insincere, doing things for man’s praise, giving for personal gain, manipulation, etc. etc. when the one guilty of these things is themselves.

So many of my counseling opportunities arise because an individual is doubting what another is doing.  On further inquiry I often would find that the doubting individual is doing the very thing they accuse the other of.  I think of people who have trouble trusting their spouse, or children or co-workers.  Could it be that they themselves are the untrustworthy ones to consider.

I often talk with my congregation about faithfulness.  I illustrate the point by saying, what if I told you that I had been faithful to my wife for 22 years.  WOW, they might respond until some reflected, wait, you have been married for 23 years!  All those years crash down as worthless because we are charged to FINISH well!  By the way, I can say (to stop any rumors) I have been faithful to my wife ALL the years, month, days, hours, minutes and seconds or our marriage, at this writing almost 24 years.  My wife and I never have those times of mistrust because each of us strive hard to maintain faithfulness in and of ourselves, and so don’t have misgivings about the faithfulness of the other.

In my own life this verse reminds me to be careful in my dealings with others.  Why do I doubt the honesty of others?  Have I been dishonest with others?  Do I doubt someone’s genuineness?  Do I doubt their spirituality?  Perhaps I need to be sure of my own ground before judging another’s.

What of you “Freedom Fighter”?  When you look into the perfect law of liberty, what do you find staring back at you?  A sincere Christian who is faithful in all his dealings, or a hypocrite who does not live by the standards he imposes on others?  Are you fleeing when no one pursues?

Or the next time someone accuses you of impropriety, disingenuousness, dishonesty or unfaithfulness, perhaps you should point them to the Word and ask why they are fleeing.  Jesus is right as always when He says, “The Truth shall set you free”.  The Bible, like the flea collar for dogs,” Advantage” causes the wicked fleas to flee.  Be sure to apply daily! –Paul Ort is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Egg Harbor, NJ

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Genesis 43-45; Proverbs 27; Psalm 24

Compass Pointers: I will place no value on anything I have or I may possess, except in relation to the kingdom of Christ. – David Livingstone

Navigation Rules: Level 1: Proverbs 4:18; Level 2: Proverbs 4:20-27

Anchored to the Rock: He who runs from God in the morning will scarcely find him the rest of the day. John Bunyan

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