Monday, January 03, 2011

A Fresh Spring

“a fruitful bough by a spring” (Genesis 49:22)

            These words constitute a perceptive tribute that Jacob expressed concerning his son Joseph.  They are words of high praise inasmuch as they were spoken against the background of all the adversity that Joseph experienced at the hands of his brethren as well as at the hands of Potiphar and his wife.  Notwithstanding, Joseph was a fruitful vine by a spring.
            This suggests that there were unseen resources in Joseph’s life that enabled him to be spiritually fruitful notwithstanding the adversity and suffering that he experienced.  The hidden resources were no doubt his confidence and trust in God.  All of this he must have learned from his father.  The scripture indicates that Joseph’s mother as an idolater and could be of no help to him spiritually.  But Jacob must have taught Joseph from his own growing experience in the knowledge of God.  And so Joseph found those hidden resources of strength and fortitude that came from his own trust in God.

            The encouraging truth of the word of God is that we also may share such a tribute.  Despite all of the difficulties and adversities of life, we may also be fruitful vines by a spring.  For example, there are available to us the fresh springs of the word of God.  Psalm 1:3 speaks of the one who meditates in the word of God.  Such a one becomes like a tree planted by the rivers of water that continually brings forth fruit in its season.

            Then the sons of Korah wrote in Psalm 87:7, “all my fresh springs are in You.”  So we have that fresh spring of the indwelling life of Jesus Christ.  As Jesus explained in John 15, as we abide in Him, His life flowing through us will make us fruitful to the glory of God.

            But then there is another transforming spring that makes us fruitful, namely that of the indwelling Holy Spirit.  It is the Holy Spirit who ultimately bears fruit in us.  Galatians 5 speaks of the fruit of the Spirit.  So as we walk in the Spirit and live under His control, He will make us a fruitful vine by a spring.

            It was because Joseph was a fruitful bough by a spring that he became such a great blessing to multitudes.  May that be true of us also as we appropriate the hidden springs of the word of God, and lay hold by faith upon the springs of life found in our Lord Jesus Christ and through the indwelling Holy Spirit.  May we also be a blessing to our world for the glory of God. – Dr. Eric Crichton is the Pastor Emeritus of Calvary Church in Lancaster, PA and a Board Member Emeritus of America’s Keswick.

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Genesis 8-11; Proverbs 3; Psalm 3

Compass Pointers: God doesn’t want our success; He wants us. He doesn’t demand our achievements; He demands our obedience. Charles Colson

Navigation Rules: Level 1: Proverbs 1:7; Level 2: Proverbs 1:1-7

Anchored to the Rock: True prayers are like carrier pigeons which find their way so well; they cannot fail to go to heaven, for it is from heaven they came; they are only going home. – C. H. Spurgeon

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