Monday, January 17, 2011

Discover the Real Truth About Sin

Discover the REAL Truth About Sin

“You will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:4-5

If you haven’t figured this truth out yet, the enemy of our souls is constantly feeding us lies! You might scratch your head and say, “Bill, are you serious? You are just finding that out?” But the truth be told, many of us who have KNOWN the truth find ourselves in compromising situations where we DO believe the lies of the enemy.

The Puritan preachers didn’t pull punches like some of the “sugar-coated-tongued” preachers of today who are afraid to call sin, sin – and warn us of the dangers of sin.

Thomas Brooks lays it out plain and simple in the January 15th reading found in VOICES FROM THE PAST (Banner of Truth):

One of Satan’s devices to draw the soul into sin is to present the bait, and hide the hook; to present the golden cup, and hide the poison; to present the sweet, and the pleasure, but hide from the soul the wrath and misery that will certainly follow. He hides from us, like he did with Adam and Eve the shame, the wrath, and the loss that certainly follows when we yield to sin in our lives …

Keep a great distance from sin (Romans 12:9). Joseph did and stood. David drew near, and fell. SIN IS THE MOST INFECTIOUS PLAGUE IN THE WORLD! How few tremble at it and keep a distance from it! The seeming sweet that is in sin will quickly vanish, and lasting shame, sorrow and terror will come in its place. When an asp stings a man, the poison, little by little gets to the heart. So does sin – it may please a little at first, but it will pain the soul at last.

Sin will usher in the greatest and the saddest losses that can be upon our souls. It will usher in the loss of divine favor that is better than life, and the loss of joy that is unspeakable and full of glory, and the loss of peace that passes understanding, and the loss of the divine influences by which the soul has been refreshed, quickened, raised, strengthened, and gladdened, and the loss of many outward desirable mercies, which otherwise that soul might have enjoyed.

Go back and reread that paragraph. We need to burn this truth into our hearts. Today I will officiate at the funeral of a 27 year old young man that didn’t grasp this truth. His sin cost him his life. I need to remind myself of this truth daily. The enemy wants to hide the hook! The Holy Spirit wants to reveal it. Is he hiding the hook in your life? Let’s open our eyes brother! Let the Spirit show you the truth about your sin! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Genesis 16-18; Proverbs 17; Psalm 17

Compass Pointers: I have found that there are three stages in every great work of God: first, it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done. James Hudson Taylor

Navigation Rules: Level 1: Proverbs 3:1-2; Level 2: Proverbs 3:1-11

Anchored to the Rock: Precious things lie in a small compass, and that is real prayer in many a long address might have been uttered in a petition as short as Peter’s: “Lord, save me!” Charles Haddon Spurgeon

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