Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2000th Freedom Fighter Post

2000th  Post

“The the Lord answered me: Write down this vision; clearly describe it on tablets so one may easily read it.” Habakkuk 2: 2

Today’s post is the 2000th Freedom Fighter post on our Keswick website. The very first Freedom Fighter was email on September 24th 2004.

This has been an incredible journey for me personally. Freedom Fighters was born out of my own personal quiet time with the Lord and what He had been teaching me from the Word and through other books I was reading. For years I would read and underline and then wonder, “Why did I do that?”

A dear friend, Dr. B, now with the Lord, encouraged me to start writing down my thoughts, and the rest is history. Many of you have been on the journey with me since 2004, and I thank you for being a part of my life.

I am happy to have a team of men who have joined me in writing over the past couple of years: Chris Hughes, Pastor John Strain, and Pastor George VanSandt have been very faithful contributors. It has been fun to introduce you to the writings of Pastor Jason Walsh, and occasionally, Pastor Paul Ort (hint hint – Paul!). And I am thankful for George Hutchison’s blogging Stewardship Insights which I share with you. Very shortly you will be hearing from Dr. Joe Olachea, a dear friend and Board member of America’s Keswick. Dr. Joe is the Senior Pastor of Lakes Chapel in Medford, and also a faculty member of the Keswick Institute of Biblical Studies.

Our passion remains the same – we are in this journey together. Iron sharpens iron and we want to encourage each other to walk in victory and to be more than a conqueror.

Thanks for allowing us the joy of being a part of your life. We look forward to many more years of growing together IN CHRIST! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Genesis 19-21; Proverbs 18; Psalm 18

Compass Pointers: Faith is not sense, nor sight, nor reason, but simply taking God at His Word. – Christmas Evans

Navigation Rules: Level 1: Proverbs 3:1-2; Level 2: Proverbs 3:1-11

Anchored to the Rock: Prayer must not be our “chance” work, but our daily business, our habit, our vocation. – Charles Haddon Spurgeon

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