Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Not Enough Sections

Not Enough Sections

And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.”  Luke 12:29-31 (KJV)

So back in July I tried to tell this guy there was a problem with inventory. “Too many posts and not enough sections!” I said. But he was having a bad day and responded with anger in his voice. Later on he called back, a whole more calmer than before, and tried to assure me that this will all come out in the wash later and it was too deep into our selling season to stop the presses and take a look. Then after Thanksgiving he was given the distinct privilege of releasing me from my position and then went on to say (somewhat) the following statements. “His son just decided to drop out of college and will need a job.” “His daughter will be finishing college as well and will need a job.” And here comes the kicker…”After doing the company wide inventory and spending the whole weekend trying to make this work it looks like we recorded having too many posts and not enough sections but I found what was wrong and we are going to lose more money than we originally thought.” Good Grief!!

He tried to assure me that I had done no real wrong. Maybe from his secular position in life that meant he thought that I didn’t break any of the Ten Commandments in his eyes? Then he went and gave me one of the best letters of recommendation I have ever received. And even though I had an inclination that thing’s in the NJ operation were up in the air I didn’t think I would be let go so soon. Oh well! So now I have a new position in life, unemployed. Or do I really? If I am a child of the King I do not have to buy into that. I am only unemployed for the moment. Outside of that there is something else that had gone on and I want to share that with you this morning.

I have one of those smartphones and it has an application to provide me with a Bible verse on a daily basis. Well that hadn’t worked very well since I downloaded it but it must have gotten an update overnight. Now I am very concerned about my economic future with all this nonsense going on down in Washington and I realize part of it is fear mongering. My wife works in the unemployment office so we do have a very real sense of what is going on but it is what was on my smartphone that brought it all into perspective. I woke up Sunday morning and realized that I had not turned my phone off or plugged it in to charge overnight.

I got out of bed and picked up my phone to check the charge on the battery. Then I saw that I had gotten a notification that I received my Bible verse for the day. As I touched the appropriate icon and read what came up I almost came to tears. The aforementioned verse was on the phone. Now I get those verses in the English Standard Version but I prefer looking at this verse in the “Ye Olde King Jimmy” version. It was a great way to start off the morning that would lead to going to His house and sharing this whole experience with everyone who wanted to talk about my job lose. I had been recently telling myself to count it all a joy before I would leave the house to go to work. I got to count it all a joy with God’s people on Sunday morning.

So what will I do now? Whatever God puts in front of me, that’s what. I made that commitment some seven years when He pulled me out of garbage pit I dug for myself. Am I still apprehensive about things? Yes I am but not too much. After all, in my eyes God has spoken and with a promise no less. All I have to do at this point is keep my focus on Him and not myself and it will be Him that provides. It may not be everything I could possibly want but I have a feeling that it will be everything I need. So are you wondering how you will make ends meet? Why not see what your Smartphone saying to you. – Chris Hughes is a regular contributor to Freedom Fighter and is a grad of the Colony of Mercy

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 7; Daniel 5-7; 2 John

Dig This Quote: “God has promised to sustain us by His grace. He has promised us the sustaining grace of forgiveness, so that we can stand before Him unafraid. He has promised the sustaining grace of enablement, giving us the strength to do what he calls us to do. He has promised us the sustain grace of protection, delivering us from evil. He has promised us the sustain grace of wisdom, protecting us from our own foolishness. He has promised us the sustaining grace of perseverance, keeping us until the final enemy has been defeated. He has promised us the sustaining grace of eternity, giving us the hope of a day when the struggle will be over.”  “Whiter than Snow”  Paul David Tripp

Determined Digging: Level 1 – John 15:5; Level 2 – Matthew 6:30-34

Determined Praying: Prayer is the pulse of the renewed soul; and the constancy of its beat is test and measure of spiritual life. Octavius Winslow

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