Wednesday, November 03, 2010

This Is My Life


“For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”  (Philippians 1:21)

            How would you define life?  Some would give a physiological answer to that question – life is the sustained, normal function of all of the components of the human body.  Some would advance to a psychological explanation – life is defined by its experiences.  Extending this definition, some would say, “life to me is…” and then would name their essential element of life, the thing that is their priority – that which is of the greatest importance, which gives the most enjoyment or satisfaction.

            The Apostle Paul summarized the essence of life for him in one word – Christ.  In making this statement he was saying in effect, “Christ is my life.”  My father used to paraphrase Philippians 1:21a, “Life itself is Christ Himself.”  He is the one and only indispensable.

            An American was traveling through Europe.  While visiting England he chose to stay at a bed and breakfast home.  The lady who operated it was a devout Christian.  As she engaged the man in conversation, she sensed that he was a professing Christian.  Because she felt that he showed casualness about spiritual things, she asked him three questions.  First she asked, “Is Jesus Christ important to you?”  Rather quickly he replied, “Yes, He is important to me.”  Again she probed, “Is He indispensable to you?”  Taking a little longer before answering, he finally said, “Yes, He is indispensable to me.”  Then she asked one final question, “Is only He indispensable to you?”  After a long period of thoughtful silence, he said, “No, I really can’t say that He is the only indispensable one in my life.”

            Many people, if they were honest, would have to insert a plus into the verse and add a phrase or two.  “To me to live is Christ plus money, pleasure, family, job, fame, etc.  Only as the verse can be stated as Paul wrote it, with a single indispensable, can the second part of the verse be true?  Death is gained only for the one whose life is bound up in Christ. – Pastor Bill was the third generation of Raws men to lead the ministry of America’s Keswick. He served for over 50 years of the Board of Trustees prior to his going home to be with Jesus.

Dig This Quote: Sympathy is no substitute for action. David Livingstone

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 8:31-32; Level 2: Isaiah 40:28-31

Determined Praying: Prayer puts God’s work in his hands and keeps it there. – E. M. Bounds

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