Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Victory Over Sin (Part 2)

Victory Over Sin – Part 2

Here are the remaining verses of Romans 6, a great passage on how you and I can have victory over sin. The passage is from the J. B. Phillips translation:

6:15-21 - Now, what shall we do? Shall we go on sinning because we have no Law to condemn us any more, but are living under grace? Never! Just think what it would mean. You belong to the power which you choose to obey, whether you choose sin, whose reward is death, or God, obedience to whom means the reward of righteousness. 

Thank God that you, who were at one time the servants of sin, honestly responded to the impact of Christ's teaching when you came under its influence. Then, released from the service of sin, you entered the service of righteousness. (I use an everyday illustration because human nature grasps truth more readily that way.) In the past you voluntarily gave your bodies to the service of vice and wickedness - for the purpose of becoming wicked. 

So, now, give yourselves to the service of righteousness - for the purpose of becoming really good. For when you were employed by sin you owed no duty to righteousness. Yet what sort of harvest did you reap from those things that today you blush to remember? In the long run those things mean one thing only - death.  

6:22 - But now that you are employed by God, you owe no duty to sin, and you reap the fruit of being made righteous, while at the end of the road there is life for evermore.  

6:23 - Sin pays its servants: the wage is death. But God gives to those who serve him: his free gift is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Praise God that you and I can have victory over sin! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 13; Isaiah 41-42; 1 Thessalonians 1

Dig This Quote:
Who is there that ever receives a gift and tries to make bargains about it? Let us, then, return thanks for what He has bestowed on us. Who can tell whether, if we had had a larger share of ability or stronger health, we should not have possessed them to our destruction.
Alphonsus Liguori

Determined Praying: Our prayers run along one road, and God’s answers by another, and by and by they meet. God answers all true prayer, either in kind or kindness. – Adoniram Judson

Determined Digging: Level 1: Matthew 6:33; Level 2: Proverbs 3:5-8

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