Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Romans 6 -- Victory Over Sin

Romans 6 – Victory Over Sin

One of the classic passages of Scripture that we teach at the Colony of Mercy regarding victory over sin, is from Romans 6. I just read this passage over the weekend from the J. B. Phillips Translation. I want to encourage you to read through the passage and allow the truth of God’s Word to minister to your heart and life today.

Righteousness by faith, in practice
6:1-11 - Now what is our response to be? Shall we sin to our heart's content and see how far we can exploit the grace of God? What a ghastly thought! We, who have died to sin - how could we live in sin a moment longer? Have you forgotten that all of us who were baptised into Jesus Christ were, by that very action, sharing in his death? We were dead and buried with him in baptism, so that just as he was raised from the dead by that splendid Revelation of the Father's power so we too might rise to life on a new plane altogether. If we have, as it were, shared his death, let us rise and live our new lives with him!

 Let us never forget that our old selves died with him on the cross that the tyranny of sin over us might be broken - for a dead man can safely be said to be immune to the power of sin. And if we were dead men with him we can believe that we shall also be men newly alive with him. We can be sure that the risen Christ never dies again - death's power to touch him is finished. He died, because of sin, once: he lives for God for ever. In the same way look upon yourselves as dead to the appeal and power of sin but alive and sensitive to the call of God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

6:12-14 - Do not, then, allow sin to establish any power over your mortal bodies in making you give way to your lusts. Nor hand over your organs to be, as it were, weapons of evil for the devil's purposes. But, like men rescued from certain death, put yourselves in God's hands as weapons of good for his own purposes. For sin is not meant to be your master - you are no longer living under the Law, but under grace.

Praise God that we can have victory over sin. I will share the rest of the passage with you tomorrow. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick.

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 12; Isaiah 39-40; Colossians 4

Dig This Quote: But how shall we rest in God? By giving ourselves wholly to Him. If you give yourself by halves, you cannot find full rest - there will ever be a lurking disquiet in that half which is withheld...All peace and happiness in this world depend upon unreserved self-oblation to God. If this be hearty and entire, the result will be an unfailing, ever-increasing happiness, which nothing can disturb. There is no real happiness in this life save that which is the result of a peaceful heart. Jean Nicolas (J N) Grou

Determined Praying: Our prayers and God’s mercy are like two buckets in a well; while one ascends, the other descends. – Mark Hopkins

I need your input, please! For the past year I have been including a section called Determined Digging – suggested passages to memorize. I want to find out if anyone is using the Scriptures listed here. If one person is using it, I will continue to post them. If not, I will discontinue posting them. Thanks for your input.

Determined Digging: Level 1: Matthew 6:33; Level 2: Proverbs 3:5-8

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