Sunday, October 24, 2010

O Boundless Salvation

O  Boundless Salvation

"It is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." Romans 1:16

Here is a great hymn of worship on this Lord's Day written by the founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth:

O boundless salvation, deep ocean of love!
O fullness of mercy Christ brought from above;
The whole world redeeming, so rich and so free,
Now flowing for all men, Come,
 roll over me!

My sins, they are many, their stains are so deep,

And bitter the tears of remorse that I weep;
But weeping is useless -- thou great crimson sea,

Thy waters can cleanse me, Come, roll over me!

The tide now is flowing, I'm touch the wave.
I hear the loud call of "the Mighty to save."
My faith's growing bolder -- delivered I'll be!

I plunge 'neath the waters, They roll over me.

And now, hallelujah! the rest of my days
Shall gladly be spent in promoting His praise.
Who opened His bosom to pour out this sea
O boundless salvation, for you and more me!

As you gather together to praise HIM today, rejoice in HIS boundless salvation. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's Keswick

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 24; Jeremiah 3-5; 1 Timothy 4

Dig This Quote: The church has many critics, but no rivals!

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 7:38; Level 2: Isaiah 9:6-8

Determined Praying: Only that prayer which comes from our heart can get to God's heart. -- Spurgeon

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