Monday, August 09, 2010

Parent's Prayer

Parent's Prayer
One of our greatest privileges as parents and grandparents is to pray for for our kids. I learned this early on remembering how my parents prayed for me and my brother.
We are on our third week of PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens) and each day there are parents who are PUSHing for God to do something in the hearts of their kids. Some pray for prodigals; others are praying that God will deepen the faith of their kids.

Amy Carmichael, a missionary who served in India for 45 years without a furlough, had a love for kids. She founded an orphanage there, and had a burden for her "children." This is a bold prayer to pray for your kids:
Make them good soldiers of Jesus Christ; let them never turn themselves back in the day of battle. Let them be winners and helpers of souls. Let them not be ministered unto, but to minister. Make them loyal; let them set loyalty high above all things. Make them doers, not mere talkers; make them sound.
Let them enjoy hard work and choose hard things rather than easy. Forbid that they be slackers. Make them trustworthy. Give them grit. Make them wise, for it is written, He hath no pleasure in fools.

Let them pass from dependence on us to dependence on Thee. Let them never come under the dominion of earthly things; keep them free. Let them grow up healthy, happy, friendly, and keen to make others happy.
Give them eyes to see the beauty of the world and hearts to worship its Creator. Cause them to be quick to recognize the figures of the true. Let them be gentle to beast and bird (see Garrett -- that does include parrots!); let cruelty be hateful to them.
May they walk, O Lord in the light of Thy countenance. Let this be the inheritance of these children -- the upper springs and the nether springs of life. And for ourselves we ask that we might learn how to brace and never weaken. "God is my strong salvation ..." We ask that we might train them to say that word and live life, and pour themselves out for others unhindered by self.
What a powerful way to pray for our kids. Don't neglect this awesome privilege guys. PUSH for your kids today! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
Dig This Quote: If God is everywhere, that means that we are at all times in the situation, the setting, that makes prayer possible. For we are at all times in the presence of the One whom we desire to touch, to reach, in prayer. We don't have to go looking for God, as if God were somehow missing from our lives. William H. Shannon
Determined Digging: Level 1:Isaiah 54:17; Level 2: Psalm 103:15-19
Determined Praying: Prayer will make a man cease from sin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer.
Join us this week as Drs. Glenn Blossom and Charles Zimmerman share God's Word from the pulpit of America's KESWICK. Glenn will be speaking at 9:30 AM (Monday-Thursday) and Charles 7:00 (Monday-Thursday). Can't come in person? Watch Live:

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