Monday, June 07, 2010

Touch Our Hearts

Touch Our Hearts

"Saul also went to his home in Gibeah; accompanied by valiant men whose hearts God had touched." 1 Samuel 10:26

I shared with you yesterday that we attended the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Independent Bible Church. It was a very special day for us, and at the luncheon we heard testimony after testimony of how God touched hearts during their connection with IBC.

I couldn't help think of IBC when I read this devotional by preacher/commentator/author, Dr. John Piper:

The touch of God on one's heart is an awesome thing. It is awesome because the heart is so precious to us -- so deep and intimate and personal. When the heart is touched, we are deeply touched. Someone has gotten through protective layers to the center. We have been known. We have been uncovered and seen.

The touch of God is an awesome thing because God is God! Just think of what is being sad here! GOD TOUCHED THEM. Not a wife. Not a child. Not a parent. Not a counselor. But God. The One with infinite authority, infinite wisdom, infinite love, infinite goodness, infinite purity, and infinite justice. That ONE touched their hearts. How the circumference of Jupiter touch the edge of a molecule, let alone penetrate its nucleus?

The touch of God is awesome because it is a touch. It is a real connection. God, with infinite condescension, touched their hearts. God was that close. And they were not consumed.
I love that touch. I want more and more. I want it for myself and for all of God's people. I pray that God would touch me and His church in a new, deep way for His glory. If it comes with fire, so be it. It it comes with water, so be it. If it comes with wind, let it come, O God.

Come close enough to touch. Shield us with the asbestos of grace, but no more. Pass through all the way to the heart, and touch. Burn and soak and blow and crash. Or, in a still, small voice. Whatever that means, come. Come all the way and touch our hearts. (from HOW GREAT THOU ART -- Multnomah)

My brothers is that your desire today? To be touched by God? Are you willing to cry out to Him and say, Touch me!?" Think about it. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
Digging Deeper: Proverbs 7; 2 Chronicles 28-29; John 17
Dig This Quote: Repentance is the alternative to pretending. Don Everts
Determined Digging: Level 1 --Proverbs 16:13; Level 2 -- Psalm 91:11-16
Join us this Thursday evening for our Father Son Night with Christian Comedian, Gordan Douglas. Call for information and reservations: 732-350-1187

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