Tuesday, June 08, 2010



"In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God for help; He heard my voice out of His temple, and my cry for help before Him came into His ears." Psalm 18:6

It is interesting that over the past few weeks I have heard several messages now about Elijah and his discouragement. If you remember the biblical account about Elijah and the amazing showdown with the prophets of Baal, Elijah went through a very intense battle with depression and discouragement. (See 1 Kings 18 and 19)

Poor Elijah witnessed the power of God displayed in an amazing way, and then discouragement and depression hit him like a ton of bricks. It was so intense that he prayed that he would die.

Sometimes after intense blessing and spiritual victories, discouragement can hit us like a ton of bricks. We must be careful to look at discouragement from HIS point of view ...

Devotional author, Glynn Evans shares these thoughts in his book, DAILY WITH THE KING ...

I must be ever alert to the FEELING of discouragement, which is sin. Discouragement says, "I refuse to accept God's plan for my life." Discouragement always comes when our expectations are confused. Discouragement is the result of not letting God alone.

It is a tragedy that that I accept Jesus as my "Lord" and then discouraged because He frustrates MY expectations. If Jesus is my Lord, then Romans 8:28 must always be my textbook. It is impossible to have the one without the other.

I must reckon with the CAUSES of discouragement and see them in their proper perspective. Am I criticized by others? Let me rejoice! Do I not realize that God uses diamonds to sharpen diamonds? Let me remember that it was criticism that started Joseph on his way to Pharaoh's throne; and God will let criticism put me on a throne also, if I let Him.

Am I suffering a lack of success? Don't I realize that success is the result of God's careful timing, not mine? And don't I realize that I am faithful where God puts me, success is inevitable?

Am I discouraged because the way is hard and painful? If so, I must realize that God is preparing a plowed ground to yield fruit a hundredfold. God will never give me a hard way without a "nevertheless afterward" (Hebrews 12:11). When I am in a difficulty I must pray, "Lord, give me patience to wait for your "afterward.'"

Am I harassed by Satan, and are his whisperings getting to me? I must remember his history: everyone who have listened to him suffered horrible defeat.

I will honor God by my trust; I will please Him, affirming: "All things [do] work together for good (Romans 8:28). I believe God will "go before [me] and will level the mountains ... [and] give [me] the treasures of darkness." (Isaiah 45:2-3 NIV).

Brother, are you facing a season of discouragement today in your life? Take a moment to check out the causes, and put discouragement in its proper perspective. I will be praying for you today. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 8; 2 Chronicles 30-31; John 18:1-18

Dig This Quote: When you felt inclined to pray it was Jesus Christ who moved you in that direction. When you said, I think I see more clearly today; truth seems to be enlarging, - it was Christ who was performing a miracle upon you. Trace all happy impulse, all sacred inspiration, all ennobling influence, to the touch, the glance, the benediction of Christ. Joseph Parker

Determined Digging: Level 1 --Proverbs 16:13; Level 2 -- Psalm 91:11-16

Join us this Thursday evening for our Father Son Night with Christian Comedian, Gordan Douglas. Call for information and reservations: 732-350-1187

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