Thursday, May 06, 2010

What Are You Craving (Part 3)

We are one day away from our second annual Family Freedom Walk Event. If the Lord brings in the $60,000, they are going to shave my head! Yikes! Right now the gals from the Victory Call blog are ahead. Will you help push the Freedom Fighter guys over the edge? Call today to make your pledge! 732-350-1187. Thanks.

As the deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. Psalm 42:1

Yesterday morning I opened the freezer in our kitchen to get out blueberries for my cereal. I saw the bag in the freezer -- tilapia! For whatever reason, I went to work thinking about that tilapia and all day long I had a craving for it. The funny thing was that I sent Jan and email later in the day. She was trying to figure out what to do for dinner, and guess what -- she opened the freezer door and saw the bag of tilapia!
And I have to tell you -- it was REALLY good!

We crave all kinds of stuff. And I am sure you have discovered this truth: the more stuff you have the more stuff you want. I resisted getting an Iphone -- but recently acquired an Itouch. Now I can't wait to get an Ipad. Stuff. Stuff -- and more stuff.

The Psalmist David had cravings just like you and me. Much of his writings is his journaling of the ups and downs of his life. David puts craving into perspective in today's verse: our craving should be for God and Him alone.

Listen to the words of Puritan preacher, Thomas Manton, as he talks about craving for God:

Those who enjoy God are in pursuit of still MORE. They are always breathing after Him, and desire to enjoy more communion with Him. The wicked are always running from God and seek refuge away from His company.

The whole tendency of our soul towards God is expressed by verbs of motion: running, our earnestness to enjoy God; and seeking, our diligence in the use of means.

The great care of our souls is to find God, that He may direct, comfort, strengthen, sanctify, and teach us to sweetly enjoy His grace. If we are to find Him, we will find Him where He is to be found: in His Word, prayer, and in the assembly of His people. Enjoying fellowship with Christ is the goal of ALL our effort. To serve God is one thing, but to seek Him is another. To serve God is to make Him the object of our worship, to seek God is to make Him the end of worship. (from Voices from the Past -- Banner of Truth)

That fruit punch that I talked about the other day -- it didn't quench my thirst. It made me thirstier! And guess what -- it is the same with my relationship with God. While He is the ONLY one that can fill the emptiness and longing of my soul, loving Him, worshipping Him, serving Him, only makes me hungrier and thirsty for more of Him.

I want to be like David. Lord, I want to crave for more and more and more of you today! Brothers -- what are you craving? I pray it will be God and God alone! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 6; 1 Kings 21-22; Luke 23:26-56

Dig This Quote: Focusing on Christ, keeping his all-sufficiency and his love in view rather than my needs, desires, or weaknesses is the answer to victorious living. If I believe that God is who he is, then even wondering if He knows my need and will meet it is blasphemous. Let all that he is fill my spirit. I must stop crowding Him out with self-reliance, self-interest, and fears. – Mary Morrison Suggs

Determined Digging: Determined Digging: Level 1: Proverbs 4:18; Level 2: Psalms 63:1-5

The countdown to our Family Freedom Walk is in its final days. Have you made your pledge? Your gift helps us to minister to men and their families who are struggling with addiction. Help us share the message of VICTORY IN JESUS. Can I count on your pledge today? Thanks, brothers. Call 732-350-1187 and make that pledge today.

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