Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We Share Journey Week 2

We Share Journey -- Week 2

Here we are at week two of our 31 day journey through sacrificial giving and the weShare campaign. I trust that you are learning as much as I am on this journey.
If you are in New Jersey, I hope that you participated in the Family Freedom Walk at Americas Keswick. This was a great opportunity to share some of those sacrificial funds with a wonderful ministry. Bill Welte (CEO) was spared making the sacrifice of shaving his head due to a slight shortfall towards a lofty financial goal for the event. Although the haircut may have been a sacrifice for Bill, I believe the true sacrifice would have been with his family in being seen in public with Bill's shaved head.

Let me share just a few things that I am learning on my weShare journey.
How much Joyce and I spend on individual beverages. After 10 days we identified over $40 that could have been spent on sodas, coffee or bottled water. I had no idea that it would be that much. This is a good exercise for any small reoccurring expense like eating lunch or breakfast out, buying a donut or snack on the way to work etc. Multiply the daily expenditure times the amount of days in the year you will make it and you may be surprised at how much those little habits cost.

We really don't miss these items. Sure we look like geeks carrying around our tap filled water bottles and feel a little cheap asking for water when we go out to eat, but the sacrifice is certainly something we can live with.

The help in keeping my focus on God throughout the day. By moving out of my regular routine of picking up a cup of coffee on my way to work or drinking a coke or iced tea with my meal, there is a reminder throughout the day of why I am making this small sacrifice. I am constantly reminded of the sacrifice that Christ made for me.

In my search to understand a bit more about sacrificial giving, I came across Hebrews 13:15 which says: "Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name". One of the definitions for sacrifice I came across is: "Giving up something valuable…for something else considered to be of more value". I immediately thought: How is praising God with my lips a sacrifice?

I read this sermon by John Piper where he explained that the fruit of our lips is an outgrowth of our hearts desires. In today's world there are many competing forces for our attention and our passion. This verse calls us to sacrifice these competing interests for a dedicated walk with our Lord.

Do my heart and lips reflect a heartfelt love for God and a desire to share His message with a lost world? If not, why not? Could it be that my heart is too crowded with how the Phillies are doing, my yard, my career, my family, my friends and even my ministry? Maybe I need to reprioritize and sacrifice some of the desires of my heart so the fruit of my lips offers up a sacrifice of praise to God.

I pray that the simple act of sacrificing a purchased beverage each day helps me to remember to sacrifice the worldly desires of my heart. -- George Hutchison serves on the Board of America's KESWICK and is an instructor with Crown Financial. He writes a weekly blog for America's KESWICK -- Stewardship Insights Check it out and become a follower
Dig This Quote: Christ is more of artist than the artists; He works in the living spirit and the living flesh; he makes men instead of statues. -- Vincent Van Gogh
Determined Digging: Level 1: Proverbs 4:23; Level 2: Psalm 66:16-20

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