Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How Thankful Are You?


I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. Psalm 9:1

I am a very thankful man today! Thankful for God's goodness. I still have my hair! I want to thank everyone who prayed and contributed to our 2nd Annual Family Freedom Walk for the Colony of Mercy.

God blessed us with an absolutely beautiful day. The weather forecasts for Saturday for our area were thunderstorms, high winds, and lots of rain. Guess what-- we had sunshine ... sunshine ... and more beautiful sunshine.

We had an amazing turnout of people who walked around our lower lake and a number of people who "Rocked" on rocking chairs.

And on top of that, the Lord brought in through many wonderful people, $42,000!!! It wasn't the $60,000 to get my head shaved, and the Victory Call ladies beat the Freedom Fighter guys in their gifts -- but $42,000 is an incredible amount of money, and today I am very, very thankful.

I am also thankful today for the memory of my Dad, Bill Welte Sr., whose birthday would have been today. The Lord took Him home way too early for me, 24 years ago this year. There is not day that goes by that I don't think about him, and wish that he could be here to see how his grandkids have all grown up to love the Lord. He never had the joy of meeting Zach, and I know that they would have just been the best of buds since they both love baseball! And how he would love his great grandkids! I am thankful that he has been enjoying Lindsay! She got a head start on the rest of us!
It is on days like this that I want to remind you guys -- don't neglect your Dad! It really grieves me when I hear guys talk about wasted years of harboring grudges or ignoring their Dads. I have one friend who has been mad at his Dad for decades. There has been little or no communication. Life is too short, guys! Don't miss out on enjoying your Dad. He will never be perfect -- neither will you! Jesus is the only perfect Dad!
So I would really be thankful today to have you pick up the phone and call your Dad and tell him, "I love you, Dad!" Happy birthday, Dad! We love and miss you! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 11; 2 Kings 13-14; John 2
Dig This Quote: Until our master summons us, not a hair on our head can perish, not a moment of our life be snatched from us. When He sends for us, it should seem but the message that the child is wanted at home. Anthony Thorold

Determined Digging: Level 1: Proverbs 4:23; Level 2: Psalm 66:16-20

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