Monday, May 24, 2010

I Want To Know You More (Part 2)


As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for You, God. I thirst for God, the living God. -- Psalm 42:1-2b

As I read these all familiar verses I had to chuckle! King David must not have had the same issues with deer when he penned these words. Around here the deer seem to long and pant after my roses bushes and other flowers rather than "streams of water."

Last week my son's mother-in-law shared something with us that really blessed our hearts. Our grandson Sam is a very sociable child. In fact, even in a restaurant setting, he will introduce his Dad and Mom to the waitress!!! Not bad for 3 years old!!!

Renee told us that Sam can be playing with his cousins or other family members, but as soon as he hears his Daddy's car start up their drive, they are all chopped liver. Sam loves his Dad and so wants to spend time with him. Apparently Josh gets showered and then takes time to play ball with Sam, and the big thing right now is catching "bull frogs." Josh says that Sam would spend hours with him walking around the pond if he would let him.
As I thought about what Renee shared with me, it hit me that this is how my time with God should be. I should be so excited about getting alone with Him every day that everything and everyone else is chopped liver next to spending time with Him. Like a deer, I should pant and long after Him like nothing else in this world.
But consider this as well, brothers: Here is what really should blow your mind -- He longs for YOU and ME to be in His presence. And when we meet with Him, we have His undivided attention! Wow! The God of the universe wants to meet with you and me. That should cause us to want to spend more time with Him.

What are you longing for today that is more important than HIM? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
Dig This Quote: The stars are God's fingerprints. The sun is a mere smidgen of his radiance. The moon is to remind us that he doesn't sleep at night. The vastness of space proclaims the infinity of his wisdom, while the sand pebble indicates his thoroughness with the puniest details. The lion hints at his fearlessness, the bear at his power, the hawk at his keen insight. And yet, those possess only a tidbit of God's omnipotence and omnipresence. Every tree points toward heaven; every bird has a song to sing; even every moment of wind goes in some direction. There is nothing chaotic about our beautiful designed world. All creation has a message to tell. It says, Listen, there is a God. There is a God! Brent D. Earles
Determined Digging: Level 1: Proverbs 11:19; Level 2: Psalm 91:1-4

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