Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Destestable Pride

Join us this Thursday evening for our April Men's Fellowship Night with Pastor Glen Blossom. Dinner is at 6:15 PM followed by an evening of worship, testimonies, a challenge from God's Word, and a fun time in our Activity Center. Call for reservations: 732-350-1187.

Detestable Pride

The Lord detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: they will not go unpunished. -- Proverbs 16:5

It isn't one of those words that we want or like to think of -- Pride! But the fact is, we need to reminded what God thinks of it -- He detests it! He hates it! He wants us to be free from bondage to it.

Think about some of the areas of pride that we struggle with:

** We are looked over for that promotion or new job -- we are much more qualified than the person chosen

** I didn't get the "Staff Member of the Year Award" -- can you believe that they picked ...

** I forgive you, but you better believe I am not going to forget what you did!

** I would never be stupid to do something like that!

** My agenda is more important that yours!

Those are just a few -- right now you could add to the list from your own life. Walk Thru the Bible instructor, Chris Tiegreen says this about pride: Pride is repulsive. It directs the glory INWARD instead of UPWARD. It seeks the honor of the gifted rather than the honor of the GIVER. It is far too impressed with the ingenuity and resourcefulness of human abilities. In its very essence, it ignores God. If we want to avoid it, we must always honor Him.

That's hard to do. Pride is the foundation of self-will which is the ultimate foundation behind every sin. It is deeply ingrained in us. We hate it in others, but we wallow in it when we're allowed too. Whenever a little glory comes our way, we drink it in as though it's the sweetest thirst-quencher.

But like other sweets, it has little substance. Eventually, no amount of honor will cover the fact that we're needy inside. Something deep within us craves glory, but something deeper reminds us that we aren't worthy of it. The depth of our soul knows that God is the ONLY worthy recipient of praise.

Let every hint of pride be repulsive to you. Let God deal with those who seek their own glory; it is not our job to humble anyone. But the Bible repeatedly tells us to humble ourselves. Hate the pride that you are prone to love. Agree with God that it is a detestable thing. Send it away and seek HIS glory. His honor comes to those who do. -- from OUR DAILY WALK (Zondervan)

Is the Holy Spirit tapping on your heart today, my brother? What area of pride is He wanting to expose? Do business with Him today on this issue and allow Him to set you free! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 14; 1 Samuel 25-26; Luke 12:32-59

Dig This Quote: In radio or TV terms we are receivers. If we do occasionally transmit signals, we transmit only what we have first received. Everything has been given to us from life in the womb to life in the Spirit. We are beneficiaries, totally blessed because totally loved by God. Sanctity after all is only letting the love of God loose, letting him rampage through our lives. Cyril Brooks

Determined Digging: Level 1 -- Psalm 127:1; Level 2 -- Psalm 51:10-13

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