Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Beward of the Least Likely Temptation

Beware of the Least Likely Temptation

Joab had defected to Adonijah, though he had not defected to Absalom —1 Kings 2:28

As men, we need to be on full alert at all times. Temptation can rear its head at any moment. And we can be deceived by thinking that we know when and where the temptation will come from. We think that we will be tempted most will be in are areas of weakness. Yet the enemy will often go after us in our area of strenght!

Chamber's timely words are worth your consideration this morning:

Joab withstood the greatest test of his life, remaining absolutely loyal to David by not turning to follow after the fascinating and ambitious Absalom. Yet toward the end of his life he turned to follow after the weak and cowardly Adonijah. Always remain alert to the fact that where one person has turned back is exactly where anyone may be tempted to turn back (see 1 Corinthians 10:11-13 ).

You may have just victoriously gone through a great crisis, but now be alert about the things that may appear to be the least likely to tempt you. Beware of thinking that the areas of your life where you have experienced victory in the past are now the least likely to cause you to stumble and fall.
We are apt to say, “It is not at all likely that having been through the greatest crisis of my life I would now turn back to the things of the world.” Do not try to predict where the temptation will come; it is the least likely thing that is the real danger.

It is in the aftermath of a great spiritual event that the least likely things begin to have an effect. They may not be forceful and dominant, but they are there. And if you are not careful to be forewarned, they will trip you. You have remained true to God under great and intense trials— now beware of the undercurrent.

Do not be abnormally examining your inner self, looking forward with dread, but stay alert; keep your memory sharp before God. Unguarded strength is actually a double weakness, because that is where the least likely temptations will be effective in sapping strength. The Bible characters stumbled over their strong points, never their weak ones. “. . . kept by the power of God . . .”— that is the only safety. ( 1 Peter 1:5 ). (from My Utmost for His Highest)

I needed to be reminded of this principle today. How about you? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 20; 2 Samuel 9-11; Luke 15:11-32

Dig This Quote: If we look carefully within ourselves, we shall find that there are certain limits beyond which we refuse to go in offering ourselves to God. We hover around these reservations, making believe not to see them, for fear of self reproach. The more we shrink from giving up any such reserved point, the more certain it is that it needs to be given up. If we were not fast bound by it, we should not make so many efforts to persuade ourselves that we are free. Francois Fenelon

Determined Digging: Determined Digging: Level 1 -- Psalm 139:23-24; Level 2 -- Psalm 51:14-19

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