Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Same Song, Second Verse

"Call upon ME in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me." Psalm 50:15
Last Tuesday I spoke for our monthly Breakfast Network at America's KESWICK. I am the one who invites the speakers and assigns the topics, so I actually assigned myself the topic: Gratefulness vs. Murmuring. Little did I know that in several hours of delivering my message, I would have to apply the truth that I challenged our folks to live out.
After the breakfast we left for New Hampshire where to spend some time with our kids, and then to also do two ministry engagements. In June we made the same trek, and outside of Hartford, CT, our timing belt went on our PT Cruiser.

Jan and I were discussing the fact that the PT was getting very tight for our son, Zach, who is now taller than both of us. Time to start looking. Right outside of Hartford, the engine coolant light came on and the car began to overheat. We were at a place where we could pull off and called AAA.

My normal, fleshly reaction: panic and frustration. But God gave an incredible amount of peace. The two truck driver arrived within 15 minutes of our call, but could only take Zach and I. We left Jan at Wendy's and headed to the unknown. The garage diagnosed our problem as a blown head gasket = $1100 +.

We checked in with our son-in-law and he said, "We'll come and get you." AAA towed us 100 miles to Greenfield, MA, and the kids met us. The bottom line is that it turned out not to be a head gasket but a bad thermostat!!!
All morning the Holy Spirit was tapping me on the shoulder: Are you going to be grateful or complain about the situation? It was my choice. We chose to thank the Lord for His goodness, for His timing, and that He knew the outcome. We could have complained! Why us? Why another breakdown in Hartford? But we chose to thank Him that we were not stuck in rain or snow. We were thankful for a son-in-law (thanks, Jon!) who was willing to drive almost 1.5 hours to come and rescue us. We were thankful that we weren't in a accident.

I would be lying if I said I was always grateful, but on this day, it was good to be grateful rather than complain. What are you facing today? Will you be grateful or complain? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
Dig This Quote: God said He would make Abram’s name great so that He could make him a blessing to future generations. Then over the next twenty-five years, God developed Abraham’s character to match the name He had given him. – Dr. Henry Blackaby
Determined Digging: Level 1 -- Psalm 73:28 ; Level 2 -- Psalm 46:8-11

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