Wednesday, March 24, 2010

God's Provision Brings Glory

God's Provision Brings Glory

"Call unto Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me." Psalm 50:15

Yesterday I shared our experience driving to New Hampshire. The next day I was having my quiet time and this was the reading from Henry Blackaby's EXPERIENCING GOD, THE DEVOTIONAL (Broadman/Holman). It couldn't have been more timely:

Did you know that you bring glory to God by calling upon Him when you are in distress? God promised He would deliver you if you turned to Him. [We] deny the Lord the honor that is rightfully His every time you find yourself in difficulty and you fail to call upon Him for help!

There may be times when God allows you to reach a point of need so that you can call upon Him, and thus let Him demonstrate to a watching world the difference He makes in the lives of His children. If God never allowed [us] to experience need, people around [us] might never have the opportunity to witness God's provision in the life of a Christian. If [we] never faced a shortfall, [we] might be tempted to feel self-sufficient and without any need of God in [our] daily life.

Pride will tempt [us] to think that [we] do not need to seek God's assistance. Self-regard will seek to convince [us] that [we] can handle our dilemma through our own wisdom, resources, and hard work. Pride will also rob glory from God and seek to give it to me. Don't allow your pride to take what rightfully belongs to the Lord. Call upon your Lord and wait exclusively upon Him to rescue you,

Self-sufficiency can greatly hinder [our] ability to experience God and bring Him honor. The next time you are in distress, turn to Him!

Wow! That could not have been more appropriate for our situation! What are you facing today, my dear brothers? Rather than fear and fret, turn and run to HIM! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 24; Joshua 16-18; Luke 2:1-24

Dig This Quote: Learn to put your hand on all spiritual blessings in Christ and say, “Mine!” – Dr. Bruce Wilkinson

Determined Digging: Level 1 -- Psalm 78:28; Level 2 -- Psalm 46:8-11

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