Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nothing Is Impossible for God

Nothing Is Impossible for God

"Nothing is impossible for you." Matthew 17:20

Please make sure you read to the end today. I shared this reading from STREAMS IN THE DESERT (Zondervan) back in 2006. It is one that is really worth repeating:

IT IS POSSIBLE for believers who are completely willing to trust the power of the Lord for their safe keeping and victory to lead a life of readily taking HIS promises exactly as they are and finding them to be true.

IT IS POSSIBLE to daily "cast all your anxiety on him" (1 Peter 5:7) and experience deep peace in process.

IT IS POSSIBLE to have our thoughts and the desires of our hearts purified in the deepest sense of the word.

IT IS POSSIBLE to see God's will in every circumstance and to accept it with singing instead of complaining.

IT IS POSSIBLE to become strong through and through by completely taking refuge in the power of God and by realizing that our greatest weakness and the things that upset our determination to be patient, pure, or humble provide an opportunity to make sin powerless over us. This opportunity comes through Him who loves us and works to bring us into agreement with His will, and thereby supplies a blessed sense of His presence and His power.

All there are DIVINE POSSIBILITIES. Because they are HIS work, actually experiencing them will always humble us, causing us to bow at His feet an teaching us to hunger and thirst for more.

We will never be satisfied with anything less - each day, each hour, each moment in Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit -- than walking with God.

We are able to have as much of God as we want. Christ puts the key to HIS treasure chest in our hands and invites us to take all we desire. If someone is allowed into a bank vault, told to help himself to the money, and leaves without one cent, whose fault is it if he remains poor? And whose fault is it that Christians usually have such meager portions of the free riches of God?

On Friday, I learned another example of the fact that NOTHING is impossible for God. We have been pleading with the Lord for a Kubota. Ours bit the dust, and we are so crippled without it. It seemed like the need would never be met -- but God showed up on Friday and met the need in an amazing way. We rejoice is HIS provision at JUST THE RIGHT TIME. Thank You, Father, that NOTHING, absolutely nothing, is impossible for YOU! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 23; Numbers 5-6; Mark 4:1-20

Dig This Quote: In dangerous times, the enemy works overtime to discourage us and produce internal friction in our souls. He attempts to get us to hold on to old ways of thinking that lead to an ignorance of present truth. He longs to find a way to get us to participate with him. You and I must remove the hidden effect of trauma so that they enemy cannot use our hurts to convince us that God is not good or that He is holding out on us in some way. This is what the enemy did with the first man and woman in the Garden. – Chuck D. Pierce

Determined Digging: (Level 1) Psalm 28:7; (Level 2) Psalm 37:3-11

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