Wednesday, February 17, 2010

God's Glory on Display

God's Glory on Display

"God's glory is on tour in the skies,
God-craft on exhibit across the horizon.
Madame Day holds classes every morning,
Professor Night lectures every evening.

Their words aren't heard, their voices aren't recorded,
But their silence fills the earth:
Unspoken truth is spoken everywhere.

God makes a huge dome for the sun -- a superdome!
The morning sun's a new husband leaping from his honeymoon bed,
The daybreaking sun an athlete racing to the tape.

That's how God's Word vaults across the skies from sunrise to sunset,
Melting ice, scorching deserts, warming hearts to faith." -- Psalm 19:1-5 -- from The Message

The heaven's do declare the glory of our great God. In his book, PRIMAL -- A QUEST FOR THE LOST SOUL OF CHRISTIANITY (Multnomah), Pastor Mark Batterson shares this amazing insight about the glory of the God displayed in the heavens:

The sunrise is so consistent that we take it for granted, but few things are a miraculous as the celestial dance that takes place on a daily basis. Our planet spins around its axis at a speed of 1,000 mph. And while our planet does a 360 every twenty four hours, it is also hurtling through space at an unimaginable speed of 67,000 mph.

You may not have big plans for today, but you will travel 1.6 million miles in your annual lap around the sun. Quite an accomplishment! And to top it off, the Milky Way galaxy is spinning at approximately 490,000 mph. It takes the Milky Way two hundred million years to make one full revolution.

No wonder David the Shepherd boy wrote in his journal:
I look up at your macro-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewelry,
Moon and stars mounted in their settings.
Then I look at my micro-self and wonder,
Why do you bother with us?
Why take a second look our way?

God, brilliant Lord, your name echoes around the world! -- Psalm 8 from The Message

Ponder this today, my brothers, the God who made the heavens and earth, the One who has put the universe on display -- loves YOU with an everlasting love! "How majestic is YOUR name, O Lord, in all the earth!" -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

NEW FEATURE: The Scriptures are now linked right to Bible Gateway. Click on the highlighted verses and it will take you right to the text. Today's verses are from the New American Standard Version

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 17; Leviticus 21-22; Matthew 28

Dig This Quote: Worship is transcendent wonder. Wonder for which there is no limit or measure; that is worship!” – Thomas Carlyle, nineteenth-century Scottish essayist

Determined Digging: Level 1 --Psalm 27:4 ; Level 2 -- Psalm 34:1-10

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