Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Exchange of Grace

The Exchange of Grace

"Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?" Romans 6:1

Today's devotional gets right at the core of the issues of grace and our sin. It is taken from THE ONE YEAR WALK WITH GOD DEVOTIONAL written by Chris Tiegreen, who serves with our good friends at Walk Thru the Bible. We love that ministry and commend it to you: http://www.walkthru.org/.

Listen to Chris' insight today: It seems so unreal. The gospel of grace, the thought that EVERYTHING we have ever done and ever do is covered by the sacrifice of Jesus, seems so unlikely. The world we live in has not conditioned us to be that anything truly valuable is free.

The knowledge deep within us that we are spiritually and morally corrupt has not conditioned us to accept mercy so easily. We're trained to understand that people get what they deserve, not that a something-for-nothing transaction is worth anything. Especially when the "something" is so huge and the "nothing" is so clearly devoid of merit.

So, Paul asked this question: Shall we go on sinning? If none of this gospel is based on merit, should we just give up trying to behave ourselves? It's a question that, if we have to ask it, unmasks our motives. We'd prefer not to have much to do with God.

The answer to this question of sinning in the face of grace, according to Paul, is a horrified, "Of course not!" Paul is clear on one thing we frequently forget: We did not simply sign a contract for our salvation; we exchanged lives with a Redeemer. He took our sinful selves into the grace with Him and brought us a resurrected life instead. And that life can NEVER be comfortable with sin. Never.

Do you view your salvation simply as a contractual agreement that you guarantee you a pleasant eternity? They you will epic struggles with sin. You will find it much to easy to justify your indiscretions because, after all, a merciful God will overlook them. But if you view your salvation as a life-exchange --a once profane existence now traded for a Holy Substitute -- then the very thought of sin will seem ludicrous.

Yes, there will be struggles, but not from any attempt to justify disobedience. The struggle will only be with the power of the flesh, which Jesus is ready and willing to subdue. With that kind of Savior, is there ANY reason to go on sinning?

Good stuff for this cold Tuesday in February. Don't allow your sin to make your heart cold to His wanting you live HIS life in and through you, today. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 16; Leviticus 19-20; Matthew 27:51-56

Dig This Quote: Free grace can go into the gutter and bring up a jewel. -- Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Determined Digging: Level 1- Psalm 27:4; Level 2 -- Psalm 34:1-10

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