Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Guard Your Heart

Guard Your Heart

Each day at the bottom of Freedom Fighter I list passages of Scripture for you to read. If you read those passages each day, you will read through God's Word in a year. I am going to lay out a challenge to you later this month, but I received a very interesting report from our friends at Back to the Bible about the power of God's Word.

One of the findings is that when people read the Bible at least four or five days a week, they are less likely to engage in activities that are contrary to the Scripture. God's WORD addresses every are of life for us, guys.

Reading through the book of Proverbs is a very important part of my daily Bible reading. I try to read a chapter a day, and if I do that, I will be reading that chapter 12 times a year. One would think that it would be hard to find something new in that chapter reading it 12 times.

Well I am on my 14th year of reading a chapter of Proverbs a day. And guess what -- I am still learning from this book. Each year I try and read it from a different translation which brings to light new insights. This year I have been reading it from THE MESSAGE.

I never cease to be amazed at how timely and insightful, the messages from Proverbs are for daily living. If you have never taken the Proverbs challenge, then I want to encourage you to join me by reading a chapter a day! Doing so will help you to guard your heart and your mind.

Tomorrow I want to share a chapter from Proverbs with you and make some comments. Will you take the challenge? It could change your life! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for US: Proverbs 8; Daniel 8-10; 3 John

Great Quote: Many say they have no peace nor rest, but so many crosses and trials, afflictions and sorrows, that they know not how they shall ever get through them. Now he who in truth will perceive and take note, perceiveth clearly that true peace and rest lie not in outward things. There liveth no man on earth who may always have rest and peace without troubles and crosses. Wherefore yield thyself willingly to them, and seek only that true peace of the heart, which none can take away from thee, that thou mayest overcome all assaults. Theologia Germanica

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