Saturday, October 31, 2009

O My Nerds


O My Nerds

"Then said I, Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak for I am a child!" Jeremiah 1:6

I am not quite sure when it happened, but Donna Bitler, wife of our Marketing Director, made this statement when something took her by surprise: "O my nerds!" Over the years all of our kids have picked up on that funny phrase.

That phrase has been used when something has surprised us. It has been used when something has shocked us. And sometimes we have used it when we just didn't know what to say. I thought about that phrase when I read this quote from A. W. Tozer:

In theology there is no "OH!" and this is significant if not an ominous thing. Theology seeks to reduce what may be known of God to intellectual terms, and as long as the intellect can comprehend, it can find words to express itself.

When God Himself appears before the mind -- awesome, vast, and incomprehensible -- then the mind sinks into silence and the heart cries our "O Lord God!" There is the difference between theological knowledge and spiritual experience, the difference between knowing God by hearsay and knowing Him by acquaintance. And the difference is no verbal merely; it is real, and serious and vital.

We Christians should watch lest we lose the "Oh!" from our hearts ...

When we become too glib in prayer we are most surely talking to ourselves. When the calm listing of requests and the courteous giving of proper thanks take the place of the burdened prayer that finds utterance difficult, we should beware the next step, for our direction is surely down whether we know it or not.

That is good stuff to chew on today. Don't lose the "OH!," brothers!!! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 31; Jeremiah 24-26; Titus 2

Great Quote: Like supernatural effervescence, praise will sometimes bubble up from the joy of simply knowing Christ. Praise like that is...delight. Pure pleasure! But praise can also be supernatural determination. A decisive action. Praise like that is...quiet resolve. Fixed devotion. Strength of spirit. Joni Eareckson Tada

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