Friday, October 30, 2009

God's Awesomeness

God's Awesomeness

"O the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments. and his ways past finding out." Romans 11:33

I am sure you have been there. There are those moments in life when we experience God and we find ourselves at a loss for words. We are so keenly aware of HIS hand in a situation or we see something of His creation that just catches us speechless.

Devotional writer and famous preacher, A. W. Tozer says this about God's awesomeness:

Webster's Unabridged Dictionary lists 550,000 words. And it is a solemn and beautiful thought that in our worship of God there sometimes rush up from the depths of our soul feelings that all this wealth of words is not sufficient to express. To be articulate at certain times we are compelled to fall back upon "Oh" or "O" -- a primitive exclamatory sound that is hardly a word at all and that scarcely admits of a definition.

Vocabularies are formed by many minds over long periods and are capable of expressing whatever the mind is capable of entertaining. But when the heart, on its knees, moves into the awesome Presence and hears with fear and wonder thing not lawful to utter, then the mind falls flat, and words, previously its faithful servants, become weak and totally incapable of telling when the heart hears and sees.

In that awful moment the worship can only cry, "OH!" And that simple exclamation becomes more eloquent than learned speech and, I have no doubt, is dearer to God than any oratory.

Brothers, have you lost the wonder of the moments? Are you so caught up in your agenda and your busyness that you have lost the wonder of it all? Are you missing those "OH" moments that God has for YOU? Then its time to step back and allow HIM to once again captivate you with what HE wants to do in YOUR life. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

It has been weeks since we have received feedback from you about the ministry of Freedom Fighters. We have had some technical difficulties since upgrading our server, and some of our brothers have been bumped off. If this ministry is an encouragement to you, take some time today to drop us a quick note. Thanks.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 30; Jeremiah 20-21; 2 Timothy 4

Great Quote: Thank God for the commonplace people! They turn our houses into homes; they make life restful and sweet. Jesus loves the commonplace. Here then is a great, comforting thought: we are all loved - the brilliant and the commonplace, the dreamy and the practical. Dr. John Henry J. H. Jowett

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