Saturday, October 17, 2009

Avoid Quarreling

Don't Quarrel

"To speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people." Titus 3:2

Someone has said that you can really find out what people are made of when it comes to church business meetings and when someone dies and you are a part of their estate!

Whenever I hear the world quarreling I think about the church business meetings growing up in my home church. I loved the church were we grew up, but as a teen, we dreaded our church business meetings. Some of the most wonderful people that we loved and respected often turned into really ugly people at church business meetings. Even though it has been 40 years since we were a part of the ministry, I can bring up not only names, but remember some of the "hot" times in living color.

I knew a family that was bonded together like the Walton's. Loving, caring -- just a great family to be around. All that went down the tubes when the father and mother died. There was a significant piece of real estate in a prime area -- and the one who got the house was not he sibling that expected to get it. And for many years this family that once was so loving and kind have been quarrelling and fighting ever since.

Some people are like that. They love to quarrel. If everyone else says its black, you can count on them to say its white. Its not that their opinion doesn't matter. Its not that they can't express their opinion, but no matter what the subject, you can count on them to make a issue out of something if not everything.

Webster defines the word "quarrel" this way: to disagree angrily; squabble; wrangle; to end a friendship as a result of a disagreement; to make a complaint; find fault.

Someone who likes to quarrel brings division and strife to the table. A quarrelsome person repels people rather than drawing others to them. You find yourself tiptoeing around certain subjects when you are around them because you know if you hit a hot button there is going to be a battle.

For the believer, we need to heed Paul's admonition, not just from this verse, but from others in the New Testament. We who claim to be children of God should not have a quarrelsome manner about us.

When I first came to America's KESWICK one of the teams in the ministry was fractured an divided. They were so divided that they couldn't even look at each other to discuss issues that needed to be addressed. Most of the team were gifted quarrelers. One of the things I begged them to do over the years was to meet to pray each morning with each other.

It took them a long time to finally do it -- but once they did -- look out! God took a team of people who had the same heart for the ministry yet couldn't get along, and He has turned that team into a united front that is out there fighting for the right things, and they are one the same page. Their unity is obvious to all!

We can disagree without being disagreeable. We can have an opinion, yet be Christ-like in how we talk and interact with each other. We can speak the truth -- in love. Paul says, "avoid quarreling ..." For some of us that is easy. If you struggle with a quarrelsome spirit, take a step back. Talk to the Lord about it. And purpose in your heart that you will yield this area of weakness to the Spirit of God and allow Him to control you in this area of your life. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 17; Isaiah 50-52; 1 Thessalonians 5

Great Quote: No one has received so small a measure that he may not be justly accounted rich; for the smallest drop of the Spirit ... resembles an over-flowing fountain, which never dries up. -- John Calvin

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