Monday, October 19, 2009

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

"For by GRACE you have been saved through faith ..." Ephesians 2:8

We sing about. We teach about it. We read about it over and over again in the Bible. But do we FULLY grasp what GRACE really means?

Well listen to the description Dr. Paul David Tripp gives concerning grace in his newest book:

So grace is a … gift. It is God’s character and it is your hope. Grace is a transforming tool and a state of relationship. Grace is a theology and an invitation. Grace is an experience and a calling. Grace will turn your life upside down while giving you the rest you have never known. Grace will convince you of your unworthiness without making you feel unloved.

Grace will make you acknowledge that you cannot earn God’s favor, and it will remove your fear of not measuring up to His standards. Grace will confront you with the fact that you are much less than you thought you were, even as it assures you that you can be far more than you had ever imagined. Grace will put you in your place without ever putting you down.

Grace will enable you to face truths about yourself that you have hesitated to consider, while freeing you from being self-consciously introspective. Grace will confront you with profound weaknesses, and at the same time introduce you to new-found strength. Grace will tell you what you aren’t while welcoming you to what you can now be.

Grace will make you as uncomfortable as you have ever been, while offering you more comfort than you have ever known. Grace will drive you to the end of yourself, while it invites you to fresh starts and new beginnings. Grace will dash your hopes, but never leave you hopeless. Grace will decimate YOUR kingdom as it introduces you to a better King.

Grace will expose your blindness as it gives you eyes to see. Grace will make you sadder than you have ever been, while it gives you greater cause for celebration than you have ever known.
Grace enters your life in a moment
and will occupy you for eternity. You simply cannot live a productive life in this broken-down world unless you have a practical grasp of the grace you have been given. Paul David Tripp, Broken Down House –Living Productively In A World Gone Bad (Wapwallopen, PA: Shepherd Press 2009)

Brothers: If that doesn't light your fire ... then your wood is really wet! Grace! Maybe that is why John Newton said -- Amazing grace! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 19; Isaiah 56-58; 2 Thessalonians 2

Great Quote: God buries His workman and continues His work. -- John Bunyan

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