Sunday, September 20, 2009

God is Always At Word Around You (Part 9)

God is Always At Work Around You (Part 9)

"He is the Lord; let Him do what is good in His eyes." 1 Samuel 3:18

Today is the Lord's day and we are spending it in a place of absolute beauty -- Bermuda! Sorry guys -- someone has to do it! We are staying at Willowbank, a Christan retreat center on an island made by our Creator God. I believe it is one of the most beautiful places in the world.

We have talked about this subject before -- in fact, eight times now. But I was reminded of another principle of God's always being at work around us as I read STREAMS IN THE DESERT (9/17). The principle is this: I can see God in EVERYTHING! Listen to the words of Hannah Whitall Smith, a popular Keswick speaker back in the early days of the ministry:

If I see God in EVERYTHING, He will calm and color everything I see! Perhaps the circumstances causing my sorrows will not be removed and my situation will remain the same, but if Christ is brought into my grief and gloom as my Lord and Master, He will "surround me with songs of deliverance." (Psalm 32:7)

To see HIM and to be sure that His wisdom and power never fail, and His love never changes, to know that even His most distressing dealings with me are for my deepest spiritual gain, is to be able to say in the midst of bereavement, sorrow, pain, and loss, "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised!" (Job 1:21)

SEEING GOD IN EVERYTHING is the only way that will make me loving and patient with people who annoy and trouble me. Then I will see others as the instruments God uses to accomplish His tender and wise purpose for me, and I will even find myself inwardly thanking them for the blessing they have become to me. Nothing but seeing God will completely put an end to all complaining and thoughts of rebellion.

I really needed this reminder today. How about you? God is always at work around us -- even in our circumstances. Can you see Him today? Will you look for Him today, my brothers? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 20; Ecclesiastes 4-6; 2 Corinthians 12

Great Quote: “Christian righteousness is the confidence of the heart in God through Christ Jesus. Such confidence is accounted righteousness for Christ’s sake. Two things make for Christian righteousness: Faith in Christ, which is a gift of God; and God’s acceptance of this imperfect faith of ours for perfect righteousness. Because of my faith in Christ, God overlooks my distrust, the unwillingness of my spirit, my many other sins. Because the shadow of Christ’s wing covers me I have no fear that God will all my sins and take my imperfections for perfect righteousness”. Martin Luther, Commentary on Galatians, 1538

It is not to late to enjoy a day of golfing fun and fellowship at Hanover Golf Club on September 29, 2009 to benefit the Colony of Mercy Addiction Recovery Ministry of America’s Keswick. We will have a 7:30 AM and a 12:30 PM shotgun start. There are still some openings for either start time. Call Stan Marsh @ 1-800-453 7942 x 32 for info or to make your reservation.

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