Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Let's See Now, What Shall We Do Today?


“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
(Psalm 90:12)

Years ago, at a men’s prayer breakfast, a good friend asked us all a question. He said, “What if today was going to be your last? And what if somehow God let you know that? So you were sitting here today in the knowledge that this day is your last day. What do you think you would do today?”

Good question, huh? Well, here’s my own answer anyway. Because my trust is in Jesus, I know that I will be welcomed into heaven. At this point it’s a little too late to think about what kind of treasure I can lay up there. So I think I would do all I could for what’s still down here. I would try to recall the different people through life that I have offended. Harsh words. Hurt feelings. Relationships that went sour. I would do all I could to put it right. At the very least, they would know that I was sorry.

Now for the fun part. I would think of those people who have meant the most to me. People who believed in me when no one else did. People who brought me closer to God. People who showed me what love is. I would let them know how much it all meant. I would tell them in words that they were the greatest people in my life, and I would thank them. I would ask them to never change. With these things done I would now spend the rest of the day with my family. Talking with my wife. Laughing with my daughter. Wrestling with my son. I would want their last day with me to be one that they would never forget. I would tell them over and over of my love. I would speak into their future. Releasing them to a joy-filled life, and ensuring them each of the glories that await us. I would make them promise me that they will always follow Jesus.

I don’t know what you have planned for today. I know that most of us have more to do than we have time. We need a heart of wisdom though. Remember that today is numbered. Remember what it’s all about. -- Chris Thompson is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and serves with his wife, Pam, as a church planter in England

God's WORD for TODAY: Proverbs 1; Job 20-21; Acts 10:24-28

Great Quote: Prodigal sons, forgiven and reconciled with their heavenly Father, could they do other than forgive one another? A fellowship of prodigal sons came into being -- the church of Christ. Love begets love. A new power...was let loose upon our suffering world, the power to love those who have not deserved love, the unworthy, the unlovely and unlovable, a man's enemies, and even his torturers. Christians, in imitation of the Saviour, became, as it were, Christs to one another and to the world. Theodore O. Wedel

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