Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Getting UP When You're Down


Are you down today? Feeling a little blue? Or maybe even depressed? Most of us become unhappy and depressed at times in our care less workaday world. In the depth of our depression we complain, are restless and irritable, tired and can't sleep. Happiness (joy) is not something we are born with, although we are born with the capacity to be happy. Our problem is we believe that only other folks can achieve happiness. We're different, we have been given different, if not strange, DNA.

Happiness is a practiced thing, an attitude more than specifics of a situation. In addition, it is more of a spiritual problem than a psychological one (Romans 9:20-21).

There are four essential steps to bring relief from being unhappy or
depressed or "How to Get Up When Your Down."

ESSENTIAL NO. 1 - Accept God's Pardon. To begin the journey out of the darkness of depression or unhappiness, we must ask and receive God's pardon for our sin, including the not accepting God's plan and purpose your life.

ESSENTIAL NO. 2 - Acknowledge God's Providence. When God created you he had a purpose for your life and He has your eternal good in mind. Yet, many times, we are still dissatisfied with appearance, temperament, abilities and circumstances. This complaining is really rebellion against God!

ESSENTIAL NO. 3 - Admit God's Prerogative. God has an absolute and perfect right to do with you as He pleases (Romans 9:21). Rather than bemoan our lot in life we need to rejoice in God's wisdom and power.

ESSENTIAL NO. 4 - Appropriate God's Provision. Salvation, The Holy
Spirit, Righteousness, Church Bible and Prayer for Contentment.

THOT: WHEN DOWN, LOOK UP! -- Dr. Henry Lutz is a retired pastor and a new contributor to Freedom Fighter

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 30; Job 17-19; Acts 10:1-23

Great Quote: The only right a Christian has is the right to give up his rights.Oswald Chambers

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