Monday, June 22, 2009

God Is Always at Work Around You (Part 3)

God is Always at Work Around You (Part 3)

"Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, surely I will do it." (Isaiah 46:11 b)

For some of us, looking for go at work around us comes easier. For others, it may take some time for you to open your spiritual eyes to look for His work. I want to encourage you to be waiting, watching and expectant. He wants to reveal Himself to you in ways that you can't even begin to imagine.

We heard an amazing testimony of God at work during Lindsay's illness and homegoing. One of Laura's friends from her MOPS group recently told Laura that they were new attenders at their church in New Hampshire. Because of the testimony of Lindsay's life, and watching Laura, Jon and Tanner go through this trial, their friend Jodi, came to Christ. She told Laura that she wanted to make sure that she was going to heaven too!

Over the course of the year Jodie's family came to Christ and several weeks ago, Jodi and her family were baptized.

Several weeks prior to that we had attended their church, and Jon's Aunt asked to purchase my piano CD for a lady she had been witnessing to who was attending the church, and who was "searching." Aunt Shirley was diligently praying for her salvation.

The day of Jodi's baptism, Pastor Ken felt led to give an invitation. As he was praying, he asked for anyone who wanted to receive Christ to raise their hand. He scanned the congregation and didn't see any hands, bowed his head to pray when all of a sudden, this friend of Aunt Shirley yelled out, "Hey, wait for me. I want to get saved!"

Now I don't know about you -- but that story gives me goose bumps! That sounded to me like an experience right out of the book of Acts!

God was at work in Jodie's life and look at the transformation of an entire family! Aunt Shirley was asking God to work in her friend's life -- and she came to Christ. Lindsay had a small part in the whole process.

God is ALWAYS at work around you, brother (and sister!). Look for Him. Expectantly! He wants to demonstrate His power and glory. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 22; Esther 6-8; Acts 6

Great Quote: "With freedom from danger, we can leave a crowded meeting of believers, an inspiring mountaintop experience, or a helpful fellowship with "righteous men made perfect" (Hebrews 12:23), in order to return to our modest and simple Emmaus, to the dreaded home of the Colossians, or even to the mission field of distant Macedonia. We can do so with the calm assurance that wherever God has placed us, and in every detail of our daily lives, He has ordained the land we are to possess to its very borders and has ordained the victory to be won!" -- Northcote Deck (Streams in the Desert)

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