Friday, May 15, 2009

That They May Marvel (Part 2)

That They May Marvel (Part 2)

Yesterday I shared with you some illustrations of ways that God has recently showed up in ways to make us marvel.

On this day last year, Jan, Zach and me were gathered with some of our family at Children's Hospital in Boston. Our little granddaughter not progressing after six weeks in the CCIU. She was hooked to a heart and lung machine, and the doctors met with our kids to share with them that the only hope for her "possible" survival was to proceed with an artificial heart. The surgery was a huge risk! There was not statistic for survival.

That morning during my quiet time, everything that I read from the Word to devotionals indicated to me that God was going to take Lindsay Bear home. My heart was heavy and filled with fear, disappointment, frustration, but yet peaceful that God was in control.

Later on in the day, Jan and Laura (my daughter) "just happened" to be in different corners of the room with their Bibles. The Holy Spirit led them to the same chapter -- John 4. The story is of the man who came to Jesus to come heal his son who was ill. Jesus told the man to go home because his son was already healed. The man inquires of Jesus, "What hour?" Jesus told him that he healed him at the sixth hour. The girls looked at the footnote in their Bibles and the sixth hour is 1:00 PM.

Jan and Laura were filled with excitement. They were sharing the same passage. The same hope. Could it be that on May 16th the Lord would finally heal Lindsay? Her surgery was scheduled for 1:00 PM.

We have taught our kids since they were young to go to the Word for His promises. Could it be that this was false hope? How could God tell me one thing and Laura and Jan something else. In fact, Pastor Chris Thompson's devotional that day was even called "Going Home?"

God what are you doing? Is this some sick joke? I don't understand. I was willing to be wrong. I was willing to be the one misreading the verses. But don't disappoint my girls. Romans 5 says that HOPE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT ... Could I trust Him to be true to His Word? Could they?

Well what God did was something that caused us to marvel! I will tell you about it tomorrow. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 15; 2 Kings 22-23; John 4:31-54

Great Quote: Poor souls are apt to think that all those whom they read of or hear of to be gone to heaven, went thither because they were so good and so holy...Yet not one of them, not any man that is now in heaven (Jesus Christ alone excepted), did ever come thither any other way but by forgiveness of sins. And that will also bring us higher, though we come short of many of them in holiness and grace.John Owen

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