Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Rock That Is Higher Than I

The Rock That is Higher Than I

"From the ends of the earth I will call to you. I call as my heart grows faith; lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe." Psalm 61:2-3

This devotional written by Joni Eareckson Tada is very fitting for so many of us:

The world seems a little less crazy after a couple of days on top of a mountain. Those high country panoramas have a way of clearing my head and giving me fresh perspective. The world and its problems seem a little less overwhelming. Pressures seem somehow less pressing. Life begins to look manageable.

That's why Psalm 61 remains a real favorite for me. I love it when David says, "lead me to the rock that is higher than I."

God is the Rock higher than you and I. And when our world presses in on us, when deadlines circle like vultures, when commitments cut into our shoulders like a ninety-pound pack, we need renewed perspective. We need a vantage point.

By spending time with God in the high places of His power and love, we can gain a better, wider view of our lives. He is the Mountain towering over our smoggy horizons. Life viewed from His heights can clear our minds, help us sort through priorities, and allow us to see how our days can be managed after all.

Maybe, like me, you've had a whirlwind of a month. You face demands from your family, frustrations at work, commitments at church, and expectations from friends. You feel your heart growing fainter with each added pressure.

You may not be able to take time off and head for the mountains. But you can still climb that Rock so much higher than you. Investing solid, concentrated time with your understanding Lord will give you a whole new outlook. From the summit of His love, you will see things as they really are. -- From How Great Thou Art -- Multnomah Press

America's KESWICK doesn't have mountains, but we have special places prepared by God where you can get alone and enjoy time with him. We have two weekends in June that we are offering at a reduced rate. Come on down (or up) and take some time to be refreshed. Call the Raws Guest Services Desk for information: 732-350-1187

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 21; 1 Chronicles 13-15; John 7:1-27

Great Quote: “He is a physician good to all diseases, especially at the binding up of a broken heart. He died that He might heal our souls with the plaster of His own blood, and by that death save us. Shall our sins discourage us when He appears only for sinners?” Richard Sibbs, 1630 Puritan pastor.

Check out this weeks STEWARDSHIP INSIGHT FROM GEORGE. It's a must-read.

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