Sunday, April 05, 2009

Palm Sunday

"And those who went before and those who were followed shouted, "Blessed is he who comes in he name of the Lord ..." Mark 11:9

Did you ever wish that you had been
With the crowd that Palm Sunday morn
When people shouted their “Hosannas”
And no one was forlorn?

To see Jesus coming to Jerusalem
Upon a borrowed Jenny
If He then had some enemies,
They surly were not many.

No one tried to stop him
As He threw the merchants out.
The only negative thing that was said
Was when the children began to shout.

Yet in four short days it seems
His popularity was all gone.
They held his trial so early
He was condemned just before dawn.

Now when you are tempted to fear people
Or to value what they think or say,
Remember how soon they can change
All in a single day.

Trust the one who changes not
For He is a faithful friend,
And He is the only one
On whom you can depend.

He said we should not be ashamed
Even if we have to stand alone,
Then He will not be ashamed of us
When we stand before God’s throne. George H. VanSandt 3/23/97

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 5; 1 Samuel 1-3; Luke 8:26-56

Great Quote: Praying gives sense, brings wisdom, and broadens and strengthens the mind. The prayer closet is a perfect schoolteacher and schoolhouse for the preacher. Thought is not only brightened and clarified in prayer, but thought is born in prayer. We can learn more in an hour praying, when praying indeed, than from many hours of rigorous study. Edward McKendree (E. M.) Bounds

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