Thursday, March 26, 2009

This Is Not For Dummies (Part 1)

This Is Not For Dummies (Part 1) --Dr. Van will be sharing some insights on anger the next few days.

This is not for “Dummies” We know who we are and what we do. What we may not know is why and what to do about it.

Naming is the First Step in Controlling
Recognizing Anger Early
Have you ever said to yourself any of the following?
“I can’t control my temper!”
“I can’t control my feelings!”
“I am full of rage!”
“Help me!”

All of the above quotes, for the most part, are untrue. If they were true there would be no need for you to read further. So the first decision that you must make is to question the veracity of your self-talk.

In someway, feelings are not what needs to be controlled, actions are. Temper or anger is caused by certain presuppositions. Such as,
A. No one should ever offend me.
B. Everyone should respect me.
C. People are unfair and even life is unfair.
D. If I do not defend myself people will walk all over me.

So, why do we have anger anyway? Anger is given to us so that we can attempt to get what we think we cannot have. Notice children playing in the sandbox. If the bully takes a toy from a child, when that child becomes angry and the adrenal glands start secreting as the child attacks the bully, if the toy is returned, the child knows that anger works and will be encouraged to use it again.

His face showed the extent of his anger. When told that he was angry he denied it. He said he was HURTING. This could not be true for when people hurt we want to “kiss away the hurt” not inflict further pain. You cannot help people who refuse to call the feeling by its proper name.
-- Dr. Van is a Christian Counselor and Pastor, and a friend of America's KESWICK
God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 26; Joshua 22-24; Luke 3
Great Quote: Grant, Almighty God, that as You have made known Your law, and has also added Your gospel, in which You call us to Your service, and also have invited us with all kindness to partake of Your grace; O grant, that we may not be deaf, either to Your command or to the promises of Your mercy, but render ourselves submissive to You everywhere, and so learn to devote all our faculties to You, that we may in truth avow that the rule of a holy and religious life, has been delivered to us in Your law, and that we may firmly adhere to Your promises, lest through any of the allurements of the world, or through the flatteries and delusions of Satan, You should suffer our minds to be drawn away from that love which You have once for all manifested to us in Your only begotten Son, and in which You daily confirm us by the teaching of the gospel, until we at length shall come to the full enjoyment of this love in that celestial inheritance, which has been purchased for us by the blood of Your only Son. -- John Calvin

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