Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How Do I Spend Time With the Lord

How Do I Spend Time with the Lord?

Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. Psalm 119:18 (NIV)

I am often asked what I do when I spend time with the Lord. I thought I would share just a few practical insights with you. By the way, I would also enjoy hearing what you do too!

1. For me, the best time to spend time with the Lord is first thing in the morning. I am a morning person (mostly) and my mind is the clearest right after I get up. I have my time with the Lord most days before I even shower or eat breakfast.

2. I have my quiet time in my third floor office. I think it is important for you to find that special place where you can meet with God away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the house.

3. Over the years I have used many wonderful resources to aid in my time with the Lord. This year I have tried a new/old approach. The approach is not really new, but for me it has been a breath of fresh air.

a. I read the morning and evening Scriptures from The Daily Light on the Daily Path. You can do this by purchasing the actual book, but you can also read in online ( I like using the hard copy because I write notes to myself in the margins. I first started using this tool in 1999. I highlight and underline key words that speak to my heart. The Daily Light is JUST Scripture, no commentary.

b. In addition to the Daily Light on the Daily Path, this year I am reading through the Bible using the One Year Bible -- ESV Version. I recently discovered that there are several reading plans from the ESV online:

This one takes you through the Old and New Testaments, Proverbs and Psalms

Check out this site for other plans that you can read online or have sent as an RSS feed:

c. I have a journal that I use which is simply the old fashioned Composition book. In my journal I record things that have happened during the previous day, special events, funny stories, things about the kids, and answers to prayer. This is YOUR journal for YOUR eyes only. So be flexible and let the words flow. Some people like to use their computer, I prefer to write it out.

d. This year I am not using any additional devotionals. There are hundreds of excellent ones. What I am doing is using an approach that many have used called SOAP -- Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer. Look for a Scripture passage as you are reading through your "plan" and allow the Holy Spirit to bring a particular passage to your attention. I am putting a title to that Scripture, then I write the verses out. Some days it is just one verse, or may even be a phrase. Other days it is several verses.

Next I write observations about that text. Let the text speak to your heart. Go on a mining expedition and see what the Lord will show you from the text, and the text alone. I will often ask the Holy Spirit to guide me as I study.

Then I take that passage and write an application to my personal life. How did this passage speak to my heart and how can I apply that to my life.

I conclude by writing out a prayer that summarizes what I believe God wants me to do with that passage.

It has been quite refreshing for me to use this approach. It has given me some Freedom Fighter material as well as fodder for messages.

The bottom line is: the more you do it, the more hungrier you become. He wants to speak to your heart. Make an appointment each day with Him. Now what do you do? I'd love to hear from you. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 18; Deuteronomy 32-32; Mark 15:26-47 (You can follow this plan as well. By reading these passages each day, you will have read through the Bible in a year.)

Great Quote: To worship is to quicken the conscience by the holiness of God, to feed the mind with the truth of God, to purge the imagination by the beauty of God, to open the heart to the love of God, to devote the will to the purpose of God. William Temple

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