Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Am I Willing to Die? Part 2

Am I Willing to Die? (Part 2)

"And He was saying to them all, 'If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take us his cross daily and follow Me." Luke 9:23

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Now for today's challenge ...

Recently I listened to a friend share his heart about his marriage that is moving quickly to divorce. I love this brother and am really trying to encourage him. As I listened to his story, I realized how quickly I can fall into the trap of being unwilling to die to my rights and agendas.

I am much more set in my ways that I have ever imagined. Is it as easy as the verse above states to "deny oneself and take up HIS cross and follow Him? If you think it is, let challenge you with some ways that He wants you to die. These are from, THE GOSPEL PRIMER by Milton Vincent:

When my flesh yearns for some prohibited thing ... I must die!

When called to do something I don't want to do ... I must die!

When I wish to be selfish and serve no one ... I must die!

When shattered by hardships that I despise ... I must die!

When wanting to cling to wrongs done against me ... I must die!

When enticed by human allurements of the world ... I must die!

When wishing to keep besetting sins secret ... I must die!

When wants that are borderline needs are left unmet ... I must die!

When dreams that are good seem shoved aside ... I must die!

Well brothers -- you are asked to take up His cross and follow Him. Are you and I willing to die to self -- to do it daily? Are you willing to allow die to yourself so that HE can have first place? Are you willing to die so that your spouse can be esteemed? Think about it! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 4; Numbers 29-31; Mark 9:1-29

Great Quote: The least sin should humble the soul, but certainly the greatest sin should never discourage the soul, much less should it work the soul to despair. Despairing Judas perished, whereas the murderers of Christ, believing on Him, were saved. Thomas Brooks

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